Saturday 16 June 2018

You.. & Every Human Being Is Unique!

Every Human Being Is Unique
Lying on the vibrant carpet of grass, comfy as velvet, eyes glued on the passing cloud formations. 

One looks like a bear, another a horse, another a bird in flight. Or just an amazing fluffy burst of colour.  As the minutes pass, the cloud formations change; they glide across the sky transforming into other unique formations.
Then there are the snowflakes that settled upon our mittens. Remember being a child and frolicking about trying to catch the individual flakes while enjoying every moment of the snowfall?

“No two snowflakes are alike”, we were told.  Scientists declared that, if viewed under a magnifying glass, those snowflakes have more variations in shape than one might think. There’s the classic snowflake: a flat plate with branchlike, dendritic arms. Some look like hexagonal prisms; others like hollow pencil-shaped columns or tiny needles.
Let’s look a little closer at nature’s diversity as she emerges in large quantities. 
Believe it or not, there are about 950,000 species of insects. No one even knows for sure how many species of animals exist on Earth. In fact, some 10,000 species of animals are discovered each year, with over one and a half million species already described. Projections for the total number of species on Earth range from 2 million to 50 million. Whew!  How remarkable is that?
Well, wait a moment, what about us?  Are we unique?  Read what Sadhguru has to say about every person being unique.
Sadhguru: bio 

There is a lot of talk about loving the people who irritate you. 
You can only pretend to love them.  
Instead of pretending to love them, just see that they are irritating you and look at why they are irritating you. They are irritating you simply because they are not the way you expect them to be; they are not the way you want them to be.
So do not deceive yourself. 
Just see that this irritation is happening because you have already decided what is right and what is wrong. If they behave in a different way, it will irritate you first, then you will get angry, then you will hate them.  
These are all natural processes.  
It happens simply because you are expecting everybody in the world to be like you.  
If everybody in the world was like you, could you be here?  
In your own home, if there was one more person like you, it would not be possible for you to live in that house.
It is very good that everybody in the world is the way they are.
Out of this whole mass of people, if you take any human being, that person is absolutely unique!

There is no other human being like him anywhere on this planet.

There never was one and there never will be another such person.

This is an absolutely unique human being.

If you recognise that there is only one person like this, that he is such precious material, how can he irritate you? 

He is an absolutely unique human being.
There is no other human being like them.
And it is such a miracle for you that you know this human being who is absolutely unique.  

If you see this, where is the question of irritation?
If you open your eyes and look at life, how can anybody irritate you?  
If you are simply blind to life, only then you will get irritated.  
The only way you will become an outpouring of love is by seeing the uniqueness of everything in creation.

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