Sunday 3 June 2018

How To Simplify Your Life With Gratitude

How To Simplify Your Life With Gratitude

Simplifying increases your gratitude. And more gratitude makes you want to simplify even further. Why? Here's a few reasons why it works in life.

#1 It keeps you focused on what you have, not what you want.
It's easy to focus on what we want. After all, we are told to set goals and strive to get what we want. But there's a lot to be said for appreciating what you have and where you are in your life!
When you simplify, you have more time to appreciate the little things in life-a child's laughter, the sunset, and even a decadent dessert! Having and doing less makes it so much easier to appreciate what you already have.
#2 It reminds you that the best things in life aren't things 
we have been conditioned to buy, buy and buy. 
We've come to believe expensive things and having a lot of stuff are what everyone is striving for.
But image the simple joy of coming home each day to a streamlined evening route, pre-planned meal, and a clutter-free house! Getting rid of all the extra, unnecessary stuff gives you the time and energy to enjoy the simple things in daily life.
#3 It helps you see how much you already have.
In the West, we often take for granted how lucky and abundant we really are. Most people around the world survive on a few dollars a week, while we think we are destitute if we can't get the latest iPhone! But if you really think about what you need, you probably already have it.
Do you have a safe, warm place to come home to? Do you have an income, even if it's not as large as you'd like? Is there going to be food for the whole family to enjoy today? When we pare down our busyness and take a look at what we have, we can start to realise how blessed we truly already are.
#4 It makes you think about those who have very little.
When you de-clutter, it feels amazing to donate your stuff, knowing that it's going to go to someone who needs it and will truly appreciate it. 
If you are finding it challenging to donate things because they are still good or it feels wasteful, think about the homeless person, for example, who will end up with a warm coat this winter... thanks to you.
If you are still having trouble, spend some time finding places to donate that are close to your heart, like animal shelters, veteran organizations or a local domestic violence shelter. When you compare what you still have to what they do, you will feel instantly grateful and generous.

by Keye Wu: source

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