Thursday 21 June 2018

Be Authentic - Love Who You Are, Flaws & All!

Be Authentic..
Love Who You Are, 
Flaws & All
You are one of a kind! 
No two people in the entire world are the same. Both good and bad past life experiences have made you who you are today. The good times have helped you learn happiness, compassion and love. Even the difficult and gruelling times in life have taught you strength and perseverance. 
Be authentic to you and honour your self as the unique being that you are, flaws and all.
So often, we tend to compare ourselves to others and this is so unfair. 
By comparing yourself to others, you do yourself a huge injustice because again, no two people are the same. 
Only you know the life you've lived and the lessons in life that you've learned. No other person on this earth has lived and learned, or are still learning to follow their path exactly the way you are today.
As an example, in the car dealership world, you can pick up a new car for the same price as everyone else. There's not much wiggle room when there are about a hundred of them on the lot with only one or two tiny differences. But if you're looking for a used car, you can be certain that your going to pay top dollar because there are no two used cars that are the same and the dealership know this. They play on that so that you love this car and when there are no others like it here or down the road, you'll pay more for it. You as a person are no different. Treasure yourself, your uniqueness and even your flaws, because they too, are what make you who you are.
Be authentic and accepting of yourself, flaws and all.
If there's something you truly want to change, then do it, but love and accept yourself in the process. No one has lived what you lived, so you've earned it! Truly, each of us is our own worst critic and it certainly takes courage and self-respect to accept ourselves completely. See your value, take responsibility for who you are, the way you live, and your own happiness!

by Nicole Lawler: source

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