Tuesday 12 June 2018

Flying By The Seat Of My Pants!

  Flying By The Seat Of My Pants!
I just invested in a new pair of pants. They are sparkly, luminescent, shiny and completely over the top! They really, really, really have a WOW factor! There will be no hiding or "playing it small" while wearing these! "No siree bob".
They did cost me a pretty penny, actually they cost me the letting go of my illusional life but I think it was way worth it.
You see I now seem to be leading my life by "flying by the seat of my pants". That use to mean something very negative and disorganized to me. But today I realized how expansive, creative and JOYFUL it is to be living this way. I think I might change the saying to "flying by the seat of my KNOWING".
I ask you; at what point in our quest for educating, organizing, contemplating and structuring do we KNOW that we have arrived. When do we know that our internal guidance system has all of the information needed to move forward. What if we moved and grooved from that space or knowing, from the idea that we have all that we need? What if we ran our business, relationships and world from this perspective?
I beg to differ. If we squelch our inner knowing, our creative self, our joy and our need to fly, we will ultimately destroy whatever it is that we are trying to create.
Analysis leads to paralysis.
I am going to trust that I have all that I need within me and that with my connection to my Source I can create whatever it is that I place my attention on. I challenge you to go ahead, invest your energy in a new pair of pants. Align them with source, adorn them with your magnificence and perfection, and then buckle them snug with your fearless attitude.
Today I was asked to contain myself and to play it small. As that conversation unfolded I realized that, that ship had sailed long ago. I no longer understand the simplistic concept of containing my magnificence. Thank God I let that %^&# Go! I do hope you will join me over here on this side of the street; the view is outstanding and we are running through the sprinklers in our new pants!
Happy Happy JOY JOY

by Virginia Adams: source

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