Friday 26 April 2019

Your A - Z Depression Help

A to Z of Depression
A. Anybody can suffer from depression. Depression knows no boundaries, has no favourites.
B. Books about depression abound...
C. Chemicals are what depression is about.
D. Depression is about not wanting to get up in the morning, about not being able to sleep at night, about not wanting to do things you previously enjoyed doing.
E. Eating patterns often change for people suffering from depression
F. Fatigue is one of the biggest complaints we hear from people talking about depression
G. Getting physical is a great help if you want to do something about depression. Raising your heart rate increases the amount of blood pumped around your body... so your lungs will work harder... your body's level of oxygen will be increased. Oxygen-rich blood circulates around your body and of course to your brain. You will feel better!
H. Help is available for all those who need it. For more about depression check out your local directories or internet.
I. Intangible reasons - business failures, relationship difficulties, death of a loved ones - are often a trigger for depression.
J. Juggling family and work commitments can sometimes be overwhelming so if you are going to do something about depression, you will need to get support from people who know you.
K. Keeping safe is very important. If you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, ask for help - and keep asking until you find it.
L. Learn what triggers your depression. By doing this you will be able to create strategies to cope.
M. Memory loss and Alzheimer's are thought to be related to depression.
N. Neurotransmitters in the brain help nerve cells communicate. Some of these neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These substances can change and get out of balance. Understanding that will help you to learn more about depression.
O. Ownership of your depression is empowering. Figure out what makes it tick - this will help you to put strategies in place to deal with it.
P. Personify your depression. Winston Churchill coined the phrase 'Black Dog' to personify the terrible bouts of depression which plagued him throughout his life.
Q. Question your medical advisers about what you could be doing to help. Ask about medication, but also ask about exercise and nutrition. All these things are invaluable as you put together as much information as you can about how your body works and, also, about depression.
R. Rest is important. Relax. Meditate. Pick up a guitar. Go for a walk. Do something that you enjoyed before you became depressed. Now isn't the time to try something new. Go back to what you enjoyed before you became depressed.
S. Safety is of utmost importance. If you can, find someone you feel safe to talk to about depression. Alcohol and drugs become high risk factors for those suffering from depression, particularly adolescents. Find a place where it is safe to go, and people who are safe to be with.
T. Traditional treatment (medication) should be discussed with your doctor. There are also alternative treatments available - but check with your doctor first. Treating depression can be complex. No-one knows all there is to know about depression. Leave it to the experts. But look yourself at what 'triggers' your depression. If you have personified it - for example, if it is your 'black dog' - find out what feeds it and what starves it.
U. Understanding all there is to know about depression would take a lifetime. Don't look that far into the future. Take one day at a time.
V. Vitamins are good! A healthy diet is good for all sorts of things, including depression. Eat well - healthy minds go hand in hand with healthy bodies.
W. Weather can cause depression!!! SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can be effectively treated with exposure to sunlight which increases serotonin levels.
X. Think of things that made you excited before you were depressed. Recreate some of that excitement - get the endorphins flowing.
Y. You are not alone. It is widely agreed that by 2020 depression will be the second major illness in the world. People from all ages, races, genders and socio-economic background are affected by depression. The more you understand about depression, the better placed you will be to deal with it if it happens to you, or someone you love.
Z. ZZZZ... get regular sleep, get regular exercise, eat healthy food...

by Glenda M Martin: source

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