Saturday 2 June 2018

Using Your Subconscious Mind

Using Your Subconscious Mind

When it comes to the subconscious mind many of us have heard of it, however, we have no idea on how to use it to benefit our lives. 
It has been said we have been given this wonderful gift of the human mind however we were not given an instruction book at birth on how to use it.
Therefore, our minds, more importantly, our subconscious minds are left to be programmed by others when we are growing up and therefore end up picking up the beliefs that either our parents have, or other family members and teachers expound on for example.
Unfortunately, many of them may be carrying their own limiting self-belief patterns and ultimately end up passing them to you.
We as adults they continue to carry these beliefs that we were taught without any knowledge how it affects our success and failures in life.
The sooner we understand the power of our subconscious minds and how to take control over it and reprogram it for success rather than failure for instance, the sooner we get our lives on track and learn to create our own destinies in a positive way.
The subconscious mind is neutral in how it operates, it is just following what has been previously programmed into it through suggestion, and repetition of our thoughts for example.
Our habits that we have are controlled by our subconscious minds for example and the power that it possesses makes it hard to quit these habits.
If you want a perfect example of a hard habit to break that is controlled by the subconscious mind, just ask someone who smokes and let them explain to you the difficulty in stopping the smoking habit.
Willpower will not break these habits alone, we have to use a different approach with the subconscious. Two of the areas that are often used is visualisation and repeated verbal affirmations to help influence this part of the human mind.
Visualisation has been around for centuries and is used quite often by everyone from CEOs of major corporations to professional athletes. Many of us use visualisation in ours and do not even know it.
 To influence your subconscious and make it work for you when it comes to achieving a major goal you want to achieve or, prepare for public speaking engagement, for instance, position yourself somewhere comfortable and close your eyes and see yourself performing the appointed task or completing the goal you are working for and visualise what the finished product will look like.
This is a process that takes only a few minutes a day and is best performed when you are relaxed so that you can see in detail what you are envisioning. The more detail you can give your subconscious, the more efficient it becomes in bringing the desired results to fruition.
Repetition is the key here it will take time to permeate your mind and direct your subconscious to whatever you are trying to achieve.
Affirmations are another tool you can use to fill your subconscious mind with power directing thoughts. Affirmations can be stated out loud or you can use them in your self-talk that you use with yourself to slowly install the new belief you want to take place in your life.

The key to both visualisation and the use of affirmations is repetition and using emotion. 
Your subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to those thoughts and ideas that are backed by emotion.
Using your subconscious mind to control your destiny in life takes practice, and repetition by starting with the two mental processes listed above.
Keep it simple but consistent, and remember, our subconscious does not care what you program into it, it will though always deliver what is planted inside of it which is done by your continual thoughts and your environment so choose it wisely.

by Richard A Haynes: source

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