Friday 8 June 2018

Quantum Physics Lesson

Message From The Universe: 
Quantum Physics Lesson
"Quantum Physics 101:
The present is defined by a confluence of your thoughts, guided and restricted by your beliefs.
The future becomes the present when your beliefs change.
Time measures how much effort you require to change your thoughts.
And space shows exactly what you're now thinking about.
And therein you see that the one, universal, immovable, unifying equation that sums up all things physical and metaphysical is..
 Thoughts Become Things, 
which is all you really need to know.
The Universe"

All your thoughts do become things, as long as you make sure to add belief and action to it. There is no secrets here ladies and gentlemen as to why people succeed greatly and others fail miserably. 

You see, the science is pretty obvious and clear to understand. The ones who are on their way to succeed feel it, and when you feel something is right, you push forward knowing that this is the ONLY way to go. By pushing hard enough, you reach your goals. This accomplishment make you feel better about yourself, which in return, make you believe more that this successful venture is just the beginning of your ultimate journey to abundance and fame. 
So you move on thinking more positive as you feel it more happening to you. You keep on feeling like more greatness is about to happen, and because... 
..the law of attraction still applies, your existing thoughts will become the things you highly desire.
Now, let's say your venture isn't as successful as you expected it to be. So what? Will that depress you for the next year? No, you learned a lesson and you move on. You keep on moving forward, no matter what and get excited for the next venture. 
You start preparing your thoughts to be positive in nature and start feeling the excitement all over again. 
Some bad memories may linger a bit longer, so until it does, do something different, something that you love doing to get your mind back on track. You can't be thinking positive until all negative feelings have disappeared. 
Go take a break and come back all refreshed. 
This is the only way you can allow great positive thoughts to enter your mind. Life is too short to reminisce of the past failures so you need to just let go and start fresh  
If you want to succeed, you need to have your mind set for that, so dust off failure and focus on the future. 
There is so much out there for you to be grateful for.

by Daniel A Amzallag: source

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