Friday 25 May 2018

Message From The Universe: It Is Time To Celebrate

Message From The Universe: 
It Is Time To Celebrate
"Anyone watching you?
Good. This is a double-secret exercise.
Pretend you just received a phone call with wonderful, mind-blowing, life-changing news!
As you put down the receiver, your arms fly up over your head with joy. Pumping fists, then waiving palms, like you just crossed a finish line before throngs of adoring fans. You cover your face with your hands trying to contain the euphoria, but it doesn't work, so you reach for the sky again while shaking your head in disbelief. You're grinning, crying, and just so happy! YES! Life is awesome and you feel so grateful!
Got it?
Now if someone catches you doing this, just tell 'em it was your pet psychic who called, and they'll forget everything they just saw.
The Universe"

What a feeling right? 
After years of working your ass off day in and day out for great things to finally happen to you. 
You can't keep your excitement at bay, you jump with joy that all your hard work paid off.
You look up to the sky and thank the power from above for your fortune. 
You have tears in your eyes flowing down like Niagara Falls. These tears of joy are because YOU did it, because YOU never gave up, because YOU pushed through despite many of the struggles you faced in your lifetime.
Learn to ALWAYS appreciate who you are as a person and the kind of individual that is strong, persistent, determined to make things happen. 

All of this happened thanks to YOU, my friend, and you have all the rights in the world to jump up and down like Tom Cruise on Oprah's sofa when he first met Katie Holmes. You deserve that moment of fame and this is when the fun really begins. 

You can't stop now as the momentum will propel you in higher altitudes. 

This is your time to shine.

I am sure that you have been in the passenger seats when you have seen others succeed far beyond your imagination. 
You witnessed entrepreneurs starting small and reaching the height of Mt Everest when it comes to wealth and stardom. They worked very hard to get up there and never abandoned ship. You wondered: "How did they do it? How did they make all this happen? Are they smarter than me? Why do they have that I don't?" Remember all these questions?
Well, here you are now, today, where you have reached these summits and have pursued your dreams. I am sure that others are looking at your now, asking the exact same questions as you did when you looked at other successful entrepreneurs. This is how the cycle of successful people perpetuates in our wonderful land. 
That is why it is always important to hang around people who are more successful than you as they will inspire you to always be better, push harder and accomplish more in your life. 
Enjoy this journey, as it has just begun!

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC 

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