Tuesday 1 May 2018

Napoleon Hill's Top 10 Rules For Success

Napoleon Hill’s 

Top 10 Rules For Success.

1. Have a definite purpose

In order to create success you have to know EXACTLY what it is that you want. This purpose needs to be your sole and primary focus. Once you know what that is, you need a plan that you can take action on immediately. The plan does not need to be perfect, but it does need to be actionable.

2. Get along peacefully with others

Your energy is precious. Do not waste it fighting over trivial things. Do your upmost to remain civilised and calm in your relationship to others and spend your time and energy creating what it is you want.

3. Believe

Believe in yourself. Believe in your plan. If you don’t, no one else will. I guarantee you that! Set your focus clearly and visualise it DAILY.

4. Your only limit is yourself

Let me repeat that. Your only limit is yourself. Ouch. That kind of accountability can sting. But I’d rather feel the sting of personal responsibility any day over the burn of regret that comes from blaming others for your failures.

5. Take action

Having an idea is not enough. Having faith is not enough. Action towards your goals is how you will bring about success. And that action is necessary not one day per week, or one day per month, it must be a consistent, daily habit.

6. Improve your personality

Nobody wants to be around an asshole. If you are an asshole, fix it. Read books on how to win friends. Practice empathy. How do you expect people to listen to your ideas if they do not like you?

7. Create, recognise, and act upon opportunities

Don’t waste time. Stop watching television. If you used your time truly effectively, without procrastination, chances are you would already have what you want. Instead of spending time in front of Facebook, read a book, or go to a networking event. That’s how you become open to seeing opportunity. And if opportunities aren’t coming your way, make them!

8. Success must be planned

Plan for your success in life. Do not leave it to chance.

9. Move with courage and determination

Once you know what you want, back yourself. All of the fears you have will disappear when you do this. A laser focus mind cannot hold negativity.

10. Conceive, believe, achieve

Education cannot guarantee success. Nor does social status, financial position, religion or race. Thomas Edison became one of the worlds greatest inventors with only 3 months of traditional education. He did this by conceiving the idea of becoming a great inventor, believing he could, and the he set about doing it.

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