Sunday 20 May 2018

Learn The Only Reflective State Of Mind For Success In Your Life

Learn The Only Reflective State Of Mind For Success In Your Life
Now, some look at this as a pretty crazy idea. I may just write another book just about these people's lives.
All I know is when I follow this process, I create my own future. And the first step to living this way is by deciding to just start immediately.
These are the individuals of the world who do not see themselves as victims or lacking or afraid of success, and they know what they are capable of.
When you start speaking and visualising your own world into existence, funny what happens. It's the most important power we have!
It's HOW did it happen.
What you believe, commit and feel to seems to happen, almost like magic.
The main question isn't IF it happened.
Call it the Law Of Attraction, or anything you wish that makes sense to you. I call this paradox creative because only those who recognize that they write the script to their own life story, have the courage and confidence to take action and actually make it happen.
They know how to live their true and full potential.
The moment you're seeing is when they made a declaration, set an intention, committed to the future by saying that because of this community, this family of entrepreneurs, their income had increased 300% in only 30 days.
My story and how I discovered opportunity as an entrepreneur is only part of much bigger stories--stories of a family, which is a community or movement, if you will, that can be considered a whole culture.
It's real and about good people helping others to be all they can be.
When I considered what the late Wayne W. Dyer had said, my life changed drastically: 
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Well, I'm not normal and neither is my team, because we are of a community, the movement that helps each other to continued success (as you've likely noticed).
And from what they and I and other team members, too, have learned, it would triple again within the next 30 days.
For example, at a golf resort for an early spring get away. This is what my team and I love to do, and because of their commitment to their daily business routine we play loads of good golf.
I guess we can say their freedom based online business indeed sets the stage for their time spent on the links.
I mean did these guy's income triple from a specific opportunity or strategy or tactic or team or anything outside of themselves?
Nope! Not at all!
Because of one thing, it tripled (twice).
Results are inevitable.
Too many people are focusing on the next "big idea" or "sign" to show up from the ether, or for a new company to launch that you can ride the wave, or the next team to pull you along, or the next system that does everything for you, rather than focusing on the ONLY thing that has ever made a difference.
Here's what I believe.
Their BELIEF became real and each of these guys helped each other become ALIGNED with their true potential and purpose.
As I say in my writings is that when you do this--believe, and align.
That one thing?
You got it within YOU.
No magic potion. It is only belief, alignment, dedication and doing the work.
You may just discover a formula for yourself where you may spend time around inspired souls just like you.
Look in the mirror and decide, commit and declare to what your life will look like 30, 60, 90 days from now, and then, wait for it!
And when you research or visit a website for opportunities, be certain to watch any videos available that explains that particular strategy with an open mind and how it may fit into your objective goals.
Do you agree?
You're going to LOVE the opportunities you can be a part of if you do.
I am building a business and have a life at the same time--and it's a to-the-point commitment I made to myself--which is perfect for busy people who want to engage with other busy people!
It's about living my true free will, and it makes me want to jump out of bed each morning!
To your own true free will!

by James Nussbaumer source

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