Monday 7 May 2018

Message From The Universe

Message From The Universe:
Being Where You Need To Be

"There's a reason you chose Earth, exactly when you did, as exactly who you are, with those already in your life and those who soon will be: To be an example, to shine your light, and to give hope.
Yeah, you were needed.. super bad.
Kind of obvious now, huh? 

The Universe"

We all have a mission on planet Earth and whoever we come across will either teach us a lesson, contribute to our success or make us fail. Depending who you are as a person, you either will let your experiences teach you a lesson for you to grow or crush and break you down. You decide the path you want to go. Failures are lessons, and nothing else. Nothing is permanent, except death. In 50 years from now, death will no longer be permanent with advance medical and scientific research, but for now, I guess death is a pretty permanent event in your life. 
So how do you want your life to be? 
Will you let things or people bother you to a point of you allowing it to control your own life? 
How will you react when facing adversities? 
What are you going to do overcome your pain and still keep on moving forward? 
Only you can answer these questions. 
No one will ever do anything to you when helping you with these struggles. 
Learn to depend on yourself to get to where you want to go. Some family and friends can assist you when walking towards the right direction, but the rest is left up to you. 

Make sure to not disappoint yourself in this journey.

Nothing is easy and if it was, everyone would do it. If being a millionaire is your ultimate goal, expect to work your ass off to accomplish your goal. You will come across many obstacles along the way, many friends and family members who will do everything they can to stop you from accomplishing your goals while trying to come out as giving you the best advice to guarantee your ultimate success. 
You need to learn to listen to your inner voice that will be the one guiding you on the right path. 
If you do come across failure, learn from it and keep on going forward. Some little tweaking might be needed to make things succeed. 
Once you have reached your goals, you will forget all the suffering, all the sacrifices, all the hurdles you faced throughout your journey to ultimate success. 
So what will be coming next? Well, it really depends on you. Your new journey has just begun and you will come across the same hurdles and challenges. 
The difference now is that you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and if you put in the same amount of energy, the same dedication and belief in yourself, you will again succeed far beyond your expectation.... 

..You will now know what it takes 
to make it big on planet Earth

By Daniel A Amzallag

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