Thursday 17 May 2018

Message From The Universe...

Message From The Universe:
Manifestation Of Your Thoughts 
Is Just One Step Away

"You want more and that's good, very good.
More money, love, energy and laughter.
Okay, just remember that these "things" lie only a thought away; not a career away, not a year away, not a lucky break away, not a relationship away... just a thought away.
The Universe"

Wanting more out of life shouldn't be a bad thing at all. 
You have dreams and you should reach for them. 
Do not let anyone or anything stop you from getting what you want out of life. 
It is OK to be scared of your dreams, as thinking how complex they may be. Moving mountains to allow you through them is something the Universe will help you accomplish, depending on how hard you try and how much you really want it. 
Staying positive is a MUST all through the process and expect to be tested constantly by the Universe to see if you really are capable to handle the responsibilities of being successful. 
With great powers comes great responsibilities, based on many superhero movies. 
So are you ready for them? Are you ready to shock the world with your presence and wits? Do not let anything scare you in any shape or form. You know what you are capable of so go out there and just do it. It may be overwhelming at times but I am sure you can handle it.
Start by thinking it, but also believing it and taking action behind it. 
Listen to your inner voice and inner soul to guide you to where you suppose to be. 
Do not rush things at all as more you try to make things happen quickly, more chances you are out to fall and get hurt. 
Let's say you do fall, will you stay down and complain or get up and keep on going? Will challenges stop you on your track or help you keep going for more?
 What are you ready to sacrifice to get to where you want to be? 
There is only ONE person who can answer them all and it is YOU. 
Stop looking at others around you and ask for answers as none of them will be able to answer these questions. 
Take action and start figuring out the best way to reach your destination. The journey may be difficult, but it will be all worth it. 
At the end, you will look back and laugh and wonder why it took you that long to take action. 
Always remember it is never too late to make a change in your life. 
Take your stand NOW!

by Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

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