Sunday 16 December 2018

Raise Your Vibration To Attract What you Want

When Is It Ever Going To Happen?
There's something that you want. 
Perhaps you've wanted it for a long time. 
You want it REALLY badly. 
But it STILL hasn't shown up and you're asking yourself, 
"Is it EVER going to happen?!"
A lot of people experience exactly this. They've felt anxious, discouraged and frustrated. They've felt stuck. After working so long and hard toward their goal of becoming a recognised expert in their field, nothing seemed to manifest. WHY?
Here's the thing. When we're feeling stuck, it's never the situation that has become stuck. It's our energy that's stuck. While we've been putting part of our energy toward manifesting what we want, another part of our energy contradicts the vibration of what we want. We cannot manifest from this place because we aren't a vibrational match to our desire.
This can be a lot of people's frustration. They wanted to make a difference. They wanted to reach the people who needed their influence. But it Just. Wasn't. Happening.
The universe is impersonal. It responds only to our vibration - wherever we focus our energy. If part of us is focused on what we want, and another part is focused on what we don't want, or on what's lacking, we can't manifest what we DO want. It's like a tug of war, with opposing energies pulling at both ends. Our vibration is contradicting itself and nothing can move forward. What we want stays in the un-manifested world of wants.
So what did these people do? The secret was to focus on raising the frequency of their vibration. The higher their vibration, the more powerfully they were able to manifest their dreams and desires. And you can do the same!
We often ask "When is it EVER going to happen?" But our manifestations don't usually happen on a linear timeline. They usually happen when we align with a higher vibration that allows our manifestation to come TO us.
Behind the scenes: When you're feeling stuck, it isn't the situation that's become stuck... it's your energy that's stuck, from the trigger of negative emotions that can come from past hurts and traumas.
In other words, it isn't the pain of the situation; it's the pain of not being connected to the natural positive energy of who you really are... a creative vibrational being who can use positive energies to create what you want and bring it into the physical. Part of this process is to invite your manifestations to materialise, and not get stuck in the negative vibrations that block them.

by Remy Chausse: source

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