Saturday 29 December 2018

10 Gratitude Points To Happiness!

10 Gratitude Points To Happiness!
by Mike Doyle

Hello there!

So I've been thinking over the holiday season about what is true happiness? 
With all the money that is spent at this time of year on presents, food and drink - does it bring you lasting happiness?

I believe it doesn't. 
It's transient happiness; it's a brief moment that has no longevity.

Yes, it's wonderful to enjoy the moment... 
...but only if it's 'feeding your soul' and not your ego or addictions!
What has interested me is that people are not experiencing true happiness.
So - how is it possible to attain true happiness?
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* Meditation is the key to lasting happiness * 

I have been meditating every day for many months now and it has made a significant difference in my life. 
I have started to experience a calmness that I've not known before.
I live more in the moment.

I am grateful for what I have in my life rather than wanting more and more. 
Because of this gratitude attitude I am receiving more!
Yes, like most of you...I do wish for more in my life but I have found that by being grateful in my meditation for what I have already sends a message to The Universe, which gives me even more of what I already have! 

In my meditation I always express these 
10 gratitude points:
  1. I am grateful for this perfect moment.
  2. I am grateful for my 5 senses and my physical ability.
  3. I am grateful for my health.
  4. I am grateful for the love that is in my life. 
  5. I am grateful for various family and friends in my life, whom I list.
  6. I am grateful for the home I have and the outdoor space that I can enjoy.
  7. I am grateful for the opportunities that The Universe sends my way.
  8. I am grateful for the money that flows to me, through me, for me and for others.
  9. I am grateful for true happiness.
  10. I am grateful for this perfect moment --> 
--> Yes - I do say this again to drive home the importance of it! 

If you are constantly grateful for this perfect moment....
then The Universe will give you 
more perfect moments!

So how about it? 
Why not try it...start for 5 minutes a day and see what The Universe gives you :)

Just sit quietly somewhere, be aware of your breath. 
Close your eyes and begin your gratitude meditation. 
Keep doing it every day and eventually you will experience the difference; moment after moment of your perfect life.

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