Thursday 6 December 2018

Get Positive Results From Your Meditation!

Get Positive Results From Your Meditation

Meditation and/or chanting each day has a positive effect on your day to day life and your future dreams.

I have been meditating/chanting consistently 
each morning now for at least a year and many 
positive things have begun to happen.

When you meditate it frees up your mind; a vacuum is created whereby new ideas and positive manifestations can rush into that 'space'. 
Deepak Chopra talks of this - quieten the mind, allow the 'infinite field of possibilities' to have the chance to flood in!
Imagine how water (ideas) will find it's way into an empty space....(your mind).

When you meditate let the thoughts pass by, don't fight them - just observe them and let them go. 
Eventually your mind will settle down and you begin to focus on your breath in.. and also your breath out.
Sit in a comfortable position; on a chair, or on a cushion on the floor or whatever works for you.
I have found that visualising a beautiful beach helps to calm my mind and get more from the process.

As I breath in I visualise the sea drawing back from a sandy beach...
...and then as I breath out I see the wave break and swoosh up and over the golden sand in a smooth soft arc.
I have been meditating on wealth and happiness and so much has happened.
Don't always think that wealth (or the thing you meditate on) will come in the form that you think. 
It may not be money regarding wealth... as in my case it was a three week holiday in the south of France.
Two manifestations in one! 
A wonderful gift of a holiday and I was very happy! 

It is important to 'let go' of what you are asking the Universe for. Do not try to force things to manifest. 
Have the thought and 'wish' whilst in your meditation and then 'let go' of the result. 
It will come to for it as it will invariably be in a way that you haven't thought of.

I started meditating for 5 minutes and I found a great way to extend my meditation. I put my timer on for 5 minutes and if after a few days I'm reaching 5 minutes without checking the timer, then I increase it the next time by 2 minutes, and so and so on.
I've now reached 30 minutes without looking at the timer.
Perseverance does work and small steps lead to great results.

So if you haven't meditated before give it a go!
Start with 5 minutes and see where the Universe takes you!

by Mike Doyle


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