Saturday 30 June 2018

Using Your Subconscious Mind

Using Your Subconscious Mind
When it comes to the subconscious mind many of us have heard of it, however, we have no idea on how to use it to benefit our lives. It has been said we have been given this wonderful gift of the human mind however we were not given an instruction book at birth on how to use it.
Therefore, our minds, more importantly, our subconscious minds are left to be programmed by others when we are growing up and therefore end up picking up the beliefs that either our parents have, or other family members and teachers expound on for example.
Unfortunately, many of them may be carrying their own limiting self-belief patterns and ultimately end up passing them to you.
We as adults they continue to carry these beliefs that we were taught without any knowledge how it affects our success and failures in life.
The sooner we understand the power of our subconscious minds and how to take control over it and reprogram it for success rather than failure for instance, the sooner we get our lives on track and learn to create our own destinies in a positive way.
The subconscious mind is neutral in how it operates, it is just following what has been previously programmed into it through suggestion, and repetition of our thoughts for example.
Our habits that we have are controlled by our subconscious minds for example and the power that it possesses makes it hard to quit these habits.
If you want a perfect example of a hard habit to break that is controlled by the subconscious mind, just ask someone who smokes and let them explain to you the difficulty in stopping the smoking habit.
Willpower will not break these habits alone, we have to use a different approach with the subconscious. Two of the areas that are often used is visualization and repeated verbal affirmations to help influence this part of the human mind.
Visualisation has been around for centuries and is used quite often by everyone from CEOs of major corporations to professional athletes. Many of us use visualization in ours and do not even know it.
To influence your subconscious and make it work for you when it comes to achieving a major goal you want to achieve or, prepare for public speaking engagement, for instance, position yourself somewhere comfortable and close your eyes and see yourself performing the appointed task or completing the goal you are working for and visualise what the finished product will look like.
This is a process that takes only a few minutes a day and is best performed when you are relaxed so that you can see in detail what you are envisioning. The more detail you can give your subconscious, the more efficient it becomes in bringing the desired results to fruition.
Repetition is the key here it will take time to permeate your mind and direct your subconscious to whatever you are trying to achieve.
Affirmations are another tool you can use to fill your subconscious mind with power directing thoughts. Affirmations can be stated out loud or you can use them in your self-talk that you use with yourself to slowly install the new belief you want to take place in your life.
The key to both visualisation and the use of affirmations is repetition and using emotion. Your subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to those thoughts and ideas that are backed by emotion.
Using your subconscious mind to control your destiny in life takes practice, and repetition by starting with the two mental processes listed above.
Keep it simple but consistent, and remember, our subconscious does not care what you program into it, it will though always deliver what is planted inside of it which is done by your continual thoughts and your environment so choose it wisely.

by Richard A Haynes: source

Wednesday 27 June 2018

First Think..., Second - Let The Universe Take Care Of It!

Message From The Universe: 
First Think, Second, 
Let The Universe Take Care Of It!
Visualising for Beginners...
For those who want convenient parking spaces, unexpected gifts, or chance encounters with cool people:
First, think. Second, let go.
Visualizing for the Illuminated...
For those who want a healing touch, world peace, or a new independence, wealth, health and happiness.
First, think. Second, let go.
We're there for you- 
The Universe

Your thoughts are extremely powerful, especially when you put belief behind them. It is not just about thinking about finding convenient parking spaces, or unexpected gifts, or chance encounters with cool people, but trusting the Universe that it will make all these thoughts come true. 
By visualising how you want your life to be, you are giving a message to the Universe as to what you expect it to be and allowing the Universe to decide the best course of action to make everything happen your way. 
It is crucial to always trust the power from above, and when you create your thoughts, you need to make sure you are feeling like it already happened.If you start doubting, you are sending a message of doubts, which in return, will deliver your thoughts with doubts in them. The outcome will never be the same as the result can be disappointing. There is also an element of luck, where being at the right place at the right time and where all the planets are aligned properly to create wonders for your present and future.
When you look at all the ones who succeeded, they also believed a lot in themselves that they can make things happen, no matter how long it will take. 
They have it in their mind and soul that they will succeed far beyond their wildest imagination, 
and the Universe listened.
There is no secret as to what you can accomplish in your life, as you have the power to do whatever you feel is best for you. We have the freedom to create or destroy, which in many cases, we destroy our own dreams because of doubting our capabilities. We criticize ourselves too much to allow any chance of hope to happen. Once we have damage our spirit, we start complaining as to why things aren't happening, despite our meek efforts. 
It is important to trust yourself enough when it comes to creating miracles, as these miracles can only manifest themselves if you believe they will. 
Always learn to think greatness, and forget about the HOW'S it will happen. That is NOT your job. 
Delegate this task to the Universe and let it accomplish it the way it was meant to be. 

by Daniel A Amzallag: source

Your Outside Success Follows Your Inside Success!

Outside Success 
Follows Inside Success

Mohammed Ali once admitted that he was constantly telling himself and everyone else that he was the greatest way before he really was the greatest. As a matter of fact, he was screaming that he was the greatest from every hilltop that he could find in an effort to convince himself. Guess what? It worked!
There is just something about making a declaration, declaring it to be true, and truly believing it inside one's heart. By making this inner and then outer declaration we can actually create something out of nothing and perform miracles, or at least do the near impossible.
Hopefully, I have made the inner/outer declaration thing clearer and have at least begun to plant a seed in your mind...
that something can come from nothing. The invisible can be made visible. But, this can only happen if we believe in our hearts and minds that it can happen, and then do the outer work to make the outer result a reality. If I have successfully done this, then the big question now is; does this miracle-creating only happen to famous, rich, and powerful people like Mohammad Ali, or can this happen to anyone?
Well, let me let you in on a little secret. Who do you think Mohammad Ali was before he was the greatest? Yup. He was just Cassius Clay Jr.
So now the really big question is who were you before you were great? Yup. You read that correctly. You are already great whether you know it or not. And your greatest greatness is still inside of you and in front of you. So let me ask you that question again. Who were you before you were great? And that answer is the same answer that Mohammed Ali would have given. You are a person with a deep inner-belief that they could be the greatest!
Remember Outside Success Follows 
Inside Success

by Daniel Blanchard: source

Video: Tony Robbins' TED Talk

"I wanted to post this great Ted Talk from Tony Robbins to show you 'the passionate and inspirational individual' he is and how he cares about helping you and others. 

His positive teaching through his books has helped me immensely on my own path and 
self development journey. 
I hope it may help you too." 

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Awaken The Giant Within: Tony Robbins

Awaken The Giant Within
by Tony Robbins
"a wonderful positive reading experience;
see below a brief summary of his book..."

“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards and believe you can meet them”.

“We must change our belief system and develop a sense of certainty that we can and will meet the new standards before we actually do”.

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently”.

5 Key Elements of Tony's book:

“The three decisions that control your destiny are:
(i) "Your decisions about what to focus on. 
(ii)"Your decisions about what things mean to you. 
(iii)"Your decisions about what to do to create the results you desire”.

“By changing any one of these five elements—whether it’s... 
(i)   a core belief or rule, 
(ii)  a value, 
(iii) a reference, 
(iv) a question, or 
(v)  an emotional state - 

- you can immediately produce a powerful and measurable change in your life”.

“Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure”.

“It’s not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean”.

“Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear”.

"This is one of the best books I have read and a great resource for your own self development. 
I hope you enjoy it and gain as much as I did from it"

book summary: source

1 Mph Is Better Motivation Than Standing Still!

1-Mph Hour Is Always Better Motivation 
Than Standing Still
If you are currently standing still and begin to move at
1-mph, you can accomplish anything you desire. 
Simply moving forward at any speed will begin to take you in a positive direction. 
Take that first step.
1-mph is the half-way point between sitting and walking.
Moving at 1-mph you can... 
  • Walk 1 mile in an hour
  • Walk 24 miles in a day
  • Complete a 5k in 3.1 hours
  • Run a marathon in 26.2 hours
  • Move from the East coast to the West coast of the USA in 125 days going 1-mph
  • Circle the earth in 2 yrs and 288 days
  • In 28 years you could even reach the moon
  • At 1-mph YOU can take the first step to achieving your goals.
Moving forward even at 1-mph makes much more sense than not moving at all. 
At 1-mph you are moving slow enough to be in complete control yet able to shift direction or even stop, without any major damage. You have the time to view your surroundings and establish the impact, while still moving forward.
"The risk of failure is nearly diminished because you are not out of control, but in complete control." 
This analogy can be used when examining the impact new technology can potentially have on a business. In many cases, a technologies value cannot be recognised until it is functioning as part of their environment and experiencing the benefits firsthand.

However, there always needs to be that first step towards positive movement.
Becoming a data driven organisation is a classic example of this mindset. I would venture to say that every organisation has areas of their business where combining disparate data sources is going to save them time, money, and open a window into additional valuable insight that is not currently visible. 
Forward movement (1-mph) can be as simple as determining where you are spending additional efforts combining data, or what data information would you like to leverage that is not currently accessible. No expenses are incurred other than the time understanding and making internal business connections to the technology you are investigating, and taking that first step.
You can apply this concept to any aspect of your business or personal life and go anywhere you want moving at 1-mph.
 At the very least, you are moving forward; and when you move forward, good things always happen.
It is all about that first step.

by Richard Francart: source

Sunday 24 June 2018

How To Live A Life Of Value: Jim John

How To Live A life Of Value

One of the major reasons people are not doing well is because they keep trying to get through the day. 
A more worthy challenge is to try to get from the day.
We must become sensitive enough to observe and ponder what is happening around us. Be alert. Be awake. Let life and all of its subtle messages touch us. Often the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among the seemingly insignificant events of life. If we do not pay attention to these events, we can easily miss the opportunities.
We must become good observers and astute evaluators of all that is going on around us. All events affect us, and what affects us leaves an imprint on what we will one day be and how we will one day live. Our philosophy about activity and our attitude about hard work will affect the quality of our lives.
Every time we choose to do less than we could, this error in judgment has an effect on our self-confidence. Repeated every day, we soon find ourselves not only doing less than we should, but also being less than we could. The accumulative effect of this error in judgment can be devastating. Fortunately, it’s easy to reverse the process.
Today we can develop a new discipline of observing rather than ignoring, of doing rather than neglecting. Every time we choose action over ease or labor over rest, we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect and self-confidence.
It is how we feel about ourselves that provides the greatest reward from any activity. It is not what we get that makes us valuable; it is what we become in the process of doing that brings value into our lives. It is activity that converts human dreams into human reality, and that conversion from idea into actuality gives us a personal value that can come from no other source.
So be a good observer of the world around you and enjoy the hard work you put into enterprising—then enjoy it to its fullest!

by Jim John: source

Get Out Of Your Neutral & Start Moving!

Get Out Of Neutral 
Because Life Is Too Short 
To Live In Neutral
It is your time to go to the next level of success but that takes action. And it might even take radical action. But one thing for sure is it can be extremely difficult for you to go to the next level if you are not moving forward.

That is just like if you are in a car and the car is in neutral. As long as the car is in neutral nothing happens. You can hit the accelerator and it might even sound like movement is going to take place but as long as that car stays in neutral absolutely nothing happens. You stay in the same spot. No matter how much you want to get to your destination nothing happens.
So think of your dreams in that way. As long as you stay in neutral your dreams are not happening. How do you stay in neutral?
By letting fear hold you back. By letting the opinions of others hold you back. By letting your wrong way of thinking hold you back. By allowing anything that is not going to propel you forward to hold you back. 
It is time for you to shift into the life that you desire and deserve. You can't afford to let another second go by where you are not moving forward. That is time lost that you can never get back. It is time for you to stop dreaming about the life you could be living.
You are amazing, creative, and powerful, and you were born to achieve your dreams and not just dream about them. And you know what? You already have everything you need inside to be successful at what you want to accomplish. And that is regardless of how big your dreams seem to you. 
Because your God, Oneness, The Universe would never put a dream in your heart that is impossible for you to achieve. They knew that you could do it that's why they gave it to you. 
But you have to also believe that you can do it!
So make today the day that you shift. Get moving forward and refuse to look back. Take one step at a time, integrate faith with your action, expect big things to manifest in your life, and don't give up. The next level of excellence has space for you, so be determined to occupy the space that you were born to occupy!

by Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez, Ph.D

Friday 22 June 2018

There Is Enough Abundance Out There For You!

Message From The Universe: 
There Is Abundance Out There, 
Enough For Everyone
"If everyone wanted the same thing, if everyone wanted whatever was super trendy and wildly popular, or even if everyone wanted independence, wealth, health and happiness, it wouldn't change the fact that you could still have yours, pronto.
There is enough for everyone.
And you do know the "right people."
 The Universe"

With the billions of stars and galaxies in our Universe, there is as much abundance out there to meet the needs of this planet's whole population, a million times over. 
We are always fearing others taking what we want because we are afraid that if they have wealth, there is not enough for us to have as well. We constantly look to find opportunities and make sure to keep it to ourselves because of our thought process. 
There are enough opportunities and wealth out there for you to have your piece of the pie. 
Everyone might ask: "Well, if that is the fact, why aren't we all rich, and wealthy, and this or that?" That is because we were trained to think this way. Let me explain. As we were raised to be an individual participating to the greater good of society, we were thought by our parents that you need to work a steady 40 hours schedule to fulfill your role as a breadwinner, no matter the gender. We were then taught on how to fulfil our obligations to get to work in the morning and get back at night, and repeat this as much as needed until retirement. 
There are, in some circumstances, some who broke out of this mould and said: 
"Screw this upbringing. I am going to create my own opportunities and become the person I want to be, no matter what the outcome. I will be my own boss and create my own wealth. I will not let anyone dictate my schedule and will be the best I can be. I do not fear uncertainties, I do not fear failure, I do not fear anything. I will prevail no matter what". 
This breed of people are called Entrepreneurs. 
It is with this mentality that we have many entrepreneurs that are successful OR in many cases not, but still going for their dreams and their pursuit of happiness.
There is no reason to think that wealth and abundance is not around you. Be one of the few that will train your offspring to think that there is enough out there for everyone to take their portion of that wealth. If you teach them to keep everything for themselves or that if someone have reached wealth, that there is no longer anything available for them to go for and should abandon their dreams. 
Teach everyone to NOT compare themselves with someone who have already reach ultimate financial success. It will be the beginning of the end for them. Not a good way to start teaching good habits here. So what can you do as a parent? 
Teach them abundance and attitude of appreciation for everything that is happening in their lives.

Teach them to be grateful for the wealth they already possess, not necessarily in currency, but more in health and friendship and more importantly, in family.

by Daniel A Amzallag: source

Thursday 21 June 2018

Video: How to ALIGN With The ENERGY Of MONEY & ABUNDANCE - POWERFUL Law of Attr...

Attracting Money

Be Authentic - Love Who You Are, Flaws & All!

Be Authentic..
Love Who You Are, 
Flaws & All
You are one of a kind! 
No two people in the entire world are the same. Both good and bad past life experiences have made you who you are today. The good times have helped you learn happiness, compassion and love. Even the difficult and gruelling times in life have taught you strength and perseverance. 
Be authentic to you and honour your self as the unique being that you are, flaws and all.
So often, we tend to compare ourselves to others and this is so unfair. 
By comparing yourself to others, you do yourself a huge injustice because again, no two people are the same. 
Only you know the life you've lived and the lessons in life that you've learned. No other person on this earth has lived and learned, or are still learning to follow their path exactly the way you are today.
As an example, in the car dealership world, you can pick up a new car for the same price as everyone else. There's not much wiggle room when there are about a hundred of them on the lot with only one or two tiny differences. But if you're looking for a used car, you can be certain that your going to pay top dollar because there are no two used cars that are the same and the dealership know this. They play on that so that you love this car and when there are no others like it here or down the road, you'll pay more for it. You as a person are no different. Treasure yourself, your uniqueness and even your flaws, because they too, are what make you who you are.
Be authentic and accepting of yourself, flaws and all.
If there's something you truly want to change, then do it, but love and accept yourself in the process. No one has lived what you lived, so you've earned it! Truly, each of us is our own worst critic and it certainly takes courage and self-respect to accept ourselves completely. See your value, take responsibility for who you are, the way you live, and your own happiness!

by Nicole Lawler: source

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Video: Law of Attraction - The SECRET To Understanding How The UNIVERSE GIVES U...

Is Your Subconscious Mind Set For Success?

Is Your Subconscious Mind 
Set For Success?
Today you see a lot of people promoting the "right mindset," and it's so saturated that you might be thinking; "Oh not this **** again" I know I have gone through periods of those thoughts. But there is a reason you are being asked: "Is Your Subconscious Set For Success?"
Something happened to me this month of that made me think. All the times I have received large sums of money... the money evaporates faster than a cheetah in pursuit!!
This got me thinking...
You hear so many stories of lotto winners who faster then flint use up their money after winning a huge lotto ticket, why is this, well I do believe most of us do have a set of unconscious thoughts about money (among other things) that hold us back from achieving the life we dream of.
I do believe many peoples internal belief system in regards to money and success is out of line with the external reality! Once they (Lotto winners or anyone coming into large sums of money) become a millionaire they blow their money to become aligned with their inner belief system, you see your subconscious mind is way more powerful than our conscious mind.
And although I have always believed that I should be making money, after many years of wondering why I have not come to the point, where I always thought I should be at this point in life, I have come to realize it's because of my inner belief system... which is hard to change!
Most of us have been raised to believe in the employee system, that you should work hard in school so that you can get a good job, be safe and be happy!
This type of work where you barely make ends meet to survive makes it hard for the average joe to go against this system and pursue your dreams and what you want out of life.
You have to recondition your mind to think like a Leader
It's not skillset holding you back; It's not information holding you back- just do a Google search or a YouTube search, and you will find practically anything you are looking for.
No, the most significant difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is their inner belief system and their mindset!
If you want to be an entrepreneur and you want to keep your money, you have to change your inner belief system.

by: Kiesha Michelle F: source

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....