Monday 18 March 2019

Video: The Science of Yoga (Part 5 - Presence)

The Science Of Yoga - PART 5

YOUR past thoughts and emotions 'hold you back'...

2. Your past is just a 'thought habit', which you can break :)
3. YOUR NEURAL PATHWAYS (thought patterns in your brain) of past events can be kept alive by habitually thinking of the past... you need to overcome your mind and your emotional patterns 
to become more present!   
4. Resisting these thought patterns means these neural pathways weaken and this helps you in the present moment.
5. You need to break habits to break the past
6. Deep AMA or 'deep past emotions' need to be 'let go of'.
7. With the correct environment and energy in your body 
(mentioned in previous videos)... 
...YOUR PRANA or life force is able to clear away the AMA (your 'past' toxins)
8. YOUR physical and mental environment within the body needs to be 'clear' enable you to experience BEING PRESENT :)  

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