Wednesday 25 July 2018

Your Wellness & Abundance Through Chanting

The Mantra To Wellness, 
Achieve A Quiet Within You By Chanting 
A Mantra Over & Over Again

Chanting is done by repeating the name or names or mantras over and over again. 
Keep your voice low, strong and controlled. 
Aim at an even pace. 
You can start slowly and gradually increase your speed. 
Don't hold your breath. Breathe naturally and normally.

'Gods' names
Every religion acknowledges the power of the name of God. Chanting, the glorification of God through His names is one of the ancient and universal practices of meditation. 
You could chant the name of any God you relate to. 
Again start slowly and then increase the time and the speed.
Om chanting
Om is the only universal sound which is within every word and within everything. 
Om contains the entire spectrum of sound, words, worlds, and concepts. 
Om represents the source of all light, love, and wisdom. When you chant 
Om, you become one with all energy and all forms of this universe.
While reciting Om concentrate on the space between your eyebrows. Feel Om. Think that you are all-knowing, eternal and free.
When you chant Om you feel the vibrations through your entire body and mind. Each Om will take six seconds or more. The sound of Om in Sanskrit is AUM- A as in account, U as in would and M as in hum.
Inhale deeply. When you exhale, start chanting AUM. Start the sound A from your navel, U in your chest to your lips and M to the crown of your head which is in turn felt in every cell of your body. Repeat. There should be silence between two successive Oms. 
The sound of Om calms, energises and heals.
Buddhist chanting
Daimoku - 
This is what I discovered recently and it's working wonders for me. This is by far the most powerful mantra I have known.
Nichiren, a Japanese Buddhist priest (1222-1282) declared that all of the benefits of the wisdom contained in the Lotus Sutra can be realised by chanting... 
The meaning of the mantra is- 
Nam    - Devotion to.. 
Myoho - the mystic law (the law of life).. 
Renge - of the lotus (karma).. 
Kyo     - the teaching itself (of Budhha).

To view/listen to the mantra click >> here << to help you to start.

Sit on a chair or on the floor, keep your eyes open and focused on a blank wall to avoid distraction. 
Clasp your hands together. 
Before starting, fix your mind on something you want to achieve.
Whatever is important to you! 
Start chanting. You can chant at about 1 seconds per Daimoku or 40 Daimoku per minute. Choose the speed you feel comfortable with.
Again how long to do it, how often and when is entirely up to you. Ideally it has to be chanted twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes each. Time doesn't matter. Just stick to it and do it!
Through meditation we realise our personal responsibility for, and possibility to change everything within and around us. Let's make our mind strong and calm so nothing is impossible to achieve. Even our inner peace!

by Babita Narayanan source

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