Monday 23 July 2018

Your Wealth - A Reflection Of Your Quantum Thought

Quantum Physics - 
Are Riches Relative?
Most of us have all kinds of self-limiting beliefs about what is possible or necessary regarding succeeding in life. 
We have learned that nothing but hard work will only result in success, and we even have many models of justified behaviours that have demonstrated this to be "true".
However, there is NO truth in it. 
It is simply a belief. 
And if that belief runs through you, it affects your energetic vibration, your frequency & limits what you can attract into your experience no matter how much you consciously want something different.
To attract something into your experience, you have to go from "wanting" it, to feeling that you already have it. 
There is a very specific vibration to "wanting". It implies you don't have it. The feeling that you don't have it causes your vibration to attract only more of "you don't have it".
Now, let me ask you - How Rich is Rich? (NOTE: Here, for explanation purposes, I am considering riches in the monetary sense only.)
Have you ever given it a thought? Riches are relative. What you consider as riches may seem a mere pittance to someone else. If a person considers thousand dollars or even $5000 as riches, can he imagine himself as a millionaire? He can only admire or be envious of someone who is a millionaire, but he could never see himself as owning such a sum of money!
Now let us take the case of the millionaire. 
The millionaire is obviously a person having millionaire consciousness & therefore he would not even think of a thousand dollars as anything but mere pocket change!
So how much are you worth? $50 a week? $200 a week? $1000 a week? Whether you agree with me or not, the fact is - Each of us is actually wearing an invisible price tag!
A person earning $50 weekly does not see himself as being worth more than that figure. Of course, he may wish or desire for more; but his inner consciousness sees him as only a $50 a week man! He sees himself as being worth that amount only!
Do you now see that riches, is merely a matter of consciousness. 
So how does one really go about gaining rich consciousness? It is a matter of reaching a point where you can see yourself as possessing a million dollars or more.
Bear in mind that this does not mean merely wishing for a million. It means actually seeing yourself as a millionaire. And this requires a complete makeover of your mental conditioning about money!
Now ask yourself a question - Is it difficult for me to imagine myself with $100? Absolutely not! In fact, you can even come up with many ways by which you could accumulate this sum of money.
Now, assume that you were already a millionaire & ask yourself this question - Is it difficult for me to imagine myself with a million dollars more? Again your answer will be a NO, for sure!
You simply have to train your consciousness to become rich & you become rich!
A man may plod along for years without showing any signs of achievement & accomplishment, but there comes a time when unexpectedly out of the ordinary, the seed of a powerful thought germinates within him & a leader is made out of it!
One major obstacle in the developing & expanding of one's own Abundance Consciousness is the belief, that one does NOT deserve money, or whatever that one wants or desires in life. What a self-limiting belief it is!

by Amit A Desai: source

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