Saturday 21 July 2018

'BE' Your Master Of This Moment

Mastery Of This Moment 
The Key To Life Mastery
Many people aren't sure what they want to do with their lives; they are unsure of their specific goals or overall purpose.
Even if you are unsure about what you want to do with your life, there is one worthwhile thing you can dedicate your life to: 
Attaining Mastery of This Moment
This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience. 
We can only ever experience our lives in This Moment. 
Therefore, if you do nothing more with your life than concentrate on gaining mastery of your thoughts, actions, and state of mind in This Present Moment, you will have actually discovered one of the most important keys to happiness and well-being.
What does Mastery of This Moment entail? 
Mastery of This Moment simply involves focusing your awareness on This Present Moment, and embracing and appreciating it as if it is the only thing that matters.
In Toltec Philosophy, popularised by the books of Carlos Castaneda and Don Miguel Ruiz, this commitment to Mastery of This Moment is called the Way of the Warrior. You may also recognise Mastery of This Moment as the approach to life embodied in Zen philosophy.
These approaches to life embrace the notion that This Moment is the One True Moment of Experience, and that the past and the future are illusory. That is, there is no past, other than the thoughts we create about "the past" in This Present Moment. And there is no future, other than the thoughts we create about something called "the future" in This Present Moment.
If This Present Moment is indeed the One Moment of Experience, then what do we really need to do with our lives in order to attain a true sense of happiness and well-being?
We simply need to commit to attaining mastery of our thoughts, actions, emotions, and state of mind in This Moment, for when we achieve nothing more than Mastery of This Moment, in effect, we gain mastery over our lives as a whole.

by Shane A Jones: source

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