Tuesday 10 July 2018

Video: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza

Your brain is a record of your environment.

Your thinking controls your environment.

To truly change... is to think greater than your environment.

Live as if your dream reality/idea is actually happening now.

Create a new personal reality to change your personality.

Nerve cells that fire together wire together...
...be aware of what your mind is creating...
...create new connections by forging new connections through knowledge.

You create a state of being through your feeling and thinking pattern - a habit!

Change your habits to change your environment!

95% of who you are, by the time you are 35, is a set of...
...memorised subconscious behaviours (habits) that run like a computer program - 
So 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against...
...95% of what you have memorised - your subconscious mind - your habits.

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