Monday 30 July 2018

Harness Your Power Of Persistence

Harness The Power Of Persistence
There's a Japanese Proverb that says: 
"Fall down seven times, get up eight." 
That wise saying underscores the importance of persistence in the world of performance improvement. 
In fact, many would argue that persistence is the single most important attribute in the success mindset.
Throughout history, we've been reminded of the value of sticking with something we're passionate about until we achieve what we want to achieve. 
For example, there's a Buddhist saying, 
"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength, but through persistence." In both the Old and New Testaments, there are numerous references to the value of persistence. James 1:4 (NLT) says, "...for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything."
Psychologist Edward De Bono has noted that, in his vast experience in working with successful people, he finds to two major qualities: 
(1) they expected to do well and, 
(2) they're persistent.
We know from our own experiences that frequently education and raw talent are often trumped by persistence. Those who succeed in any venue are often not the most intelligent or the most talented. They simply figure out a way to go over, under, around or through the obstacles thrown in front of them. 
Remember, the stream always finds its way around the rock.
Persistence is an intrinsic motivation. It comes from deep inside. The stronger the inner desire to succeed, the greater the chances of success. The fact is, we all face obstacles and challenges. 
Successful people accept that fact and simply figure out a way to deal with them.
Those who persist face the cold, hard facts. Life is tough, the economy sucks, work is hard, life's not fair. So what? Success in life has always been difficult, work is always challenging, cheaters do prosper, and you won't win the lottery. Shake it off and move on.
One of the keys to persistence is to make sure we know where we're going and what we intend to achieve. A well thought out vision and clear, measurable goals help us focus on those things that really matter. Without vision and a serious commitment to achieving the goals we set, we'll be like 95 percent of the population who reach the end of their working life wishing they had taken more risks and challenged the status quo.
Look, good enough seldom is. The organisations and individuals who really stand out in the world have always been, and will always be, those who strive for continuous improvement and never give up on their dreams. They don't see change as a threat. They see change as simply a rock in the stream that has to be faced - and then they set about doing just that.
So, what's your persistence quotient? It's a question worth pondering. Do you hang in there and face life's obstacles or do you all too quickly throw in the towel? I remember reading one time that most people who fail were just one more step away from succeeding - they just quit too soon.
The power to persist comes from within. It can't be passed on to us by well-meaning parents and it's not something we can go out and buy. The power to persist comes from an inner belief in ourselves and in our vision for what we want to accomplish.
Are you experiencing the power of persistence, or are you on the verge of quitting when you may be just one step away from making your dream a reality? Don't quit. Never give up! Be like that persistent but gently flowing stream that faces its obstacles and finds a way around them.

by Les Taylor: source

Video: You Achieve More by Setting SMART Goals

"I love this animated video explaining.. 
The S.M.A.R.T Goal Process.
If you're more of a visual learner like me,  you'll enjoy this!"

You SMART Goals For Self Improvement

Goal Setting For Self Improvement
Over 95% of the population do not understand goal setting and the positive impact in can have of their personal achievement yet they say they do not require motivation.
Let us be clear all successful people set CLEAR, SPECIFIC GOALS and that is the foundation of goal setting whether you use the acronym SMART or any other it all boils down to this. 
Many people set vague or confused goals and wonder why they never come to fruition, in fact I would go as far as to say that unsuccessful people either do not set goals or they may set unspecific goals.... "I wart to be happy"...."I want to be rich".
Some people find that an acronym helps them when setting goals, the most famous is:
SMART which stands for:
Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic & Timely.
Looking at each section in part can we build a foundation for successful goal setting?
In order to develop a specific goal I am sorry you cannot do so on a whim in an instant, it does require that awful word WORK! I suggest you find some time when you can sit down in a quiet place and write down everything that comes into your mind that you may want, at this stage I do not care if it is an Aston Martin or a 60 foot cabin cruiser that you write down whatever comes into your mind goes onto the paper. Only when you have exhausted your mind, if you are like me you will now have over 100 items, do you go through and cross out according to SMART that is the ones that at this stage are not attainable or realistic. Keep going until you are down to two or three left then taking each in turn write out the goal in as great a detail as possible see yourself attaining the goal and write out details of the impact it will make on your life. You will probably find that only one of the goals you write out in detail meet the criteria of the SMART process - this is your major definite purpose your specific goal.
It does not matter what sort of goal you have targeted as your specific goal it must be measurable. Now that you know where you are going (which puts you in the top 5% of the population) you need to be able to measure your progress as these steps will be your motivation.Example my goal last year was to drive from the UK (my home) to Xativa in Spain, 1580 miles. I knew when I was leaving, I knew when I wanted to get there so it was an easy step to calculate the number of miles I had to cover each day.
If you goal is not easily measurable simply ask yourself "How will I know when it is accomplished" and take that as your final step and work back to where you are now so that you have a map to measure your progress. Everything is measurable.
This is where many people have a lack of understanding in goal setting. If your goal is very easy to attain motivation levels will never be such that you will even attain this simple goal. A goal needs to stretch you out of your comfort zone but still remain attainable in your mind. Even if it means learning new skills if you believe you can do it you will do it. 
As Napoleon Hill said:
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe - that he will achieve".
Goal setting is not just thinking about what you really want to achieve in your life. If you keep your goals in your head you will never be fully committed to them and if you fall be the wayside you will have a dozen excuses ready to comfort yourself.Setting goals is more than a motivational quote, in order to experience self improvement you need to write down exactly what you want to achieve. You need to write it down in great detail, what impact will it have on your life, can you visualise your life having achieved your goal.If you can write out your goal in the greatest detail you are 75% of the way to achieving it even before you take the first step and you are in the top 3% of successful people in the Western World.
What do I mean when I say realistic, after all I have just said it should be attainable - is there a difference? - YES A goal can be both high and realistic, you are the only one that can decide what to you is realistic. As I said above that so many make the mistake of thinking they are setting goals that are easily attained or fanciful, importantly a goal must be realistic, that is not to say that it cannot be challenging. For if your goal is challenging you will develop on way to personal achievement.
If you truly believe that you can attain your goal then it is a realistic goal, if it calls for changes in your life you will ensure that those changes will take place because you will receive motivation from moving ever close to the achievement of the goal by making those changes.
It is no good setting out a goal unless you also set out when you want to achieve it by, this could be classed as a goal within a goal for it must be specific; measurable; attainable and realistic.
One goal I hear over and over is "I want to be a millionaire by next week." You can visualise to your heart's content and see yourself pushing barrows full of money away from a bank and it will still not happen unless you win the lottery and that is not realistic and as it is outside your influence cannot be a goal it is a dream.
However when you set a time frame do not set it too far into the future, if it has to be a long way off it could be a dream not a goal.
Now feel it >> If your goal does not turn you on >> Question it - it is probably not a goal

by David Dutch: source

Sunday 29 July 2018

Video: Meditation Sleep Music

Meditation Sleep Music - 
To Help You With Your Meditation Before Bed

Video: How You Become The Best You Can Be

"A remarkable talk from Boris Grundl on how to focus 
on the strengths you have, to become your best."

Boris Grundl

3 Keys For Your Success!

Success - 
3 Keys To Becoming The Best You Can Be

I know that you want to be the best that you can be in your life. I don't think anyone really wants to be terrible or be a failure in life. Well there is great news. You can be the best and have a wonderful life. Of course this will take work and it won't happen over night but since when has being the best ever happened over night? 
Here are 3 keys that will help you 
be the best that you can be.

1. Personal Development.
This seems very obvious but I am always surprised at how many people want to become great but never develop them. 
You have to be working on yourself to be the best. 
There are things in your life that need to be developed and grown. 
If you don't develop yourself you will never be the best you can be.
2. Get rid of excuses.
You will have to stop making excuses why you can't be the best if you want to be the best. 
If the truth be told, you have the ability to do anything you want to do. 
There are loads of people that have worse circumstances than you that have become great. I
If they can do it, so can you.
3. Learn from the best.
If you want to be the best you have to learn from the best. 
The best way to do this is find someone that has had a great deal of success in the area that you want to be great in and learn from them. 
Soak up as much information and knowledge from them that you can. 
By doing this you will reach your personal best much faster.

byJason Osborn: source

Friday 27 July 2018

Fake It Until You Make It!

Message From The Universe:
Fake It Until You Make It
"All you have to do is think about what you want often enough that you start talking about it and moving with it, even if you have to fake it.
Your job is simple. Even if you only "attempt" to do it, you will have done it. The slightest effort on your side is leveraged 10,000 times on my side. A nod, a wink, a whisper are sometimes all I need; a demonstration that breaks the ice, beginning a domino effect of happy "accidents" and "coincidences."
If you do this, I'll do the rest. It is that easy. I am that powerful. Life is that magical.
Thinking of your smile, 
The Universe"

If it's OK to bluff in a poker game, why not bluff with everything else in life. As long as you fake and make belief for yourself and your subconscious mind that you are already there, it will send a positive message to the Universe that it should believe as well that wealth and abundance already manifested in your life. 
The thought in itself that you have made it without the attempt of actually making it will send a negative message to the Universe that you are doubting your potential, hence, will render mediocre results. Y
ou are making things happen everyday even when taking small tiny steps. It may seem like nothing is happening, or that you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel and that is because the Universe feels that it is not YET your time to be recognised worldwide. 
Yes, some may be able to accomplish their goals quicker and get the needed recognition from their hard earned effort, which can be frustrating at times, but everyone has a different story and shouldn't ever be compared with yours.
It is really important to never compare yourself or your capabilities with someone else because you will always end up getting more frustrated and disappointed. 
Focus on your own goals and ambitions as they most probably different from everyone else's. 
As long as you demonstrates constant efforts on a daily basis, that you plan your to-do list so you can check the tasks done daily, you are getting closer and closer to the life you always dreamed of. It is true that you will need to sacrifice a lot to reach your goals, but never forget to LIVE your life as well. Never forego family events just for the sake of making an additional 100 dollars. Despite that family will always understand your work ethics and will encourage you to succeed, you want them to remember you for attending important events that are meaningful to them. 
Your success will just stay YOUR success, even if you share your wealth with every member of your family. What's really important is the connection you keep all throughout your path to success. 
The Universe will understand and will respect you better for emphasising on the real important things in life. 
Money will come and go, but the love you have for your family is very fragile. This is worth more than any amount of money offered to you on a golden platter.

by Daniel A Amzallag: source

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Video / Listen to: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - 24 Minute Chant.

"Following on from the previous post on chanting here is a simple example of chanting...
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo help you get started.
Although this is 24 minutes long you can start doing 
5-10 minutes and build up to 
15 minutes each morning and evening."

Your Wellness & Abundance Through Chanting

The Mantra To Wellness, 
Achieve A Quiet Within You By Chanting 
A Mantra Over & Over Again

Chanting is done by repeating the name or names or mantras over and over again. 
Keep your voice low, strong and controlled. 
Aim at an even pace. 
You can start slowly and gradually increase your speed. 
Don't hold your breath. Breathe naturally and normally.

'Gods' names
Every religion acknowledges the power of the name of God. Chanting, the glorification of God through His names is one of the ancient and universal practices of meditation. 
You could chant the name of any God you relate to. 
Again start slowly and then increase the time and the speed.
Om chanting
Om is the only universal sound which is within every word and within everything. 
Om contains the entire spectrum of sound, words, worlds, and concepts. 
Om represents the source of all light, love, and wisdom. When you chant 
Om, you become one with all energy and all forms of this universe.
While reciting Om concentrate on the space between your eyebrows. Feel Om. Think that you are all-knowing, eternal and free.
When you chant Om you feel the vibrations through your entire body and mind. Each Om will take six seconds or more. The sound of Om in Sanskrit is AUM- A as in account, U as in would and M as in hum.
Inhale deeply. When you exhale, start chanting AUM. Start the sound A from your navel, U in your chest to your lips and M to the crown of your head which is in turn felt in every cell of your body. Repeat. There should be silence between two successive Oms. 
The sound of Om calms, energises and heals.
Buddhist chanting
Daimoku - 
This is what I discovered recently and it's working wonders for me. This is by far the most powerful mantra I have known.
Nichiren, a Japanese Buddhist priest (1222-1282) declared that all of the benefits of the wisdom contained in the Lotus Sutra can be realised by chanting... 
The meaning of the mantra is- 
Nam    - Devotion to.. 
Myoho - the mystic law (the law of life).. 
Renge - of the lotus (karma).. 
Kyo     - the teaching itself (of Budhha).

To view/listen to the mantra click >> here << to help you to start.

Sit on a chair or on the floor, keep your eyes open and focused on a blank wall to avoid distraction. 
Clasp your hands together. 
Before starting, fix your mind on something you want to achieve.
Whatever is important to you! 
Start chanting. You can chant at about 1 seconds per Daimoku or 40 Daimoku per minute. Choose the speed you feel comfortable with.
Again how long to do it, how often and when is entirely up to you. Ideally it has to be chanted twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes each. Time doesn't matter. Just stick to it and do it!
Through meditation we realise our personal responsibility for, and possibility to change everything within and around us. Let's make our mind strong and calm so nothing is impossible to achieve. Even our inner peace!

by Babita Narayanan source

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Video: ANIMATED BOOK REVIEW: Think & Grow Rich

"Moving on from the previous post, I wanted to share this wonderful animated video reviewing 
For those of you like me who are more visual learners
this is the BEST!"

Think & Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill's 

78 years ago, a journalist 

studied 500 rich men and boiled down 

their success into 13 steps

At the peak of Andrew Carnegie's (one of the wealthiest people) career, he crossed paths with an impressive journalist named Napoleon Hill, who he trusted to document — and share with the world — the strategies that turned him into one of the wealthiest and most successful businessmen of all time.
"It was Mr. Carnegie's idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money," Hill wrote in the preface of "Think and Grow Rich," the result of his collaboration with Carnegie.
In addition to analysing Carnegie, who became the richest man in the world after starting with little more than a penny upon arriving in the US from Scotland, Hill studied more than 500 self-made millionaires over a span of 20 years.
His interviews and research culminated in the 1937 bestseller, "Think and Grow Rich", which shares what he calls the "money-making secret" in 13 principles.

There is no mention of "money," "wealth," "finances," or "stocks" within Hill's text; he takes a different approach, focusing on breaking down the psychological barriers that prevent many of us from attaining our own fortunes.
This approach is still relevant today, 78 years later. As personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi said on episode one of her podcast, "Mastering your money has more to do with psychology and mindset than anything else."
Here are Hill's 13 steps, in his words and ours:

1. Desire: 
You have to want it.
All of the super wealthy started with a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, planning, and desiring before they became rich. They imagined riches before they saw them in their bank accounts, Hill explains:
"Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches."
This is not so different from the modern-day concept of visualising a savings goal with a specific price tag.

2. Faith: 

Believe that you can achieve your goal.

Growing rich starts with your mindset — with the belief that you can accumulate wealth. Hill writes: 

"Riches begin in the form of thought! 
The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion. 
Faith removes limitations!"
As self-made millionaire and author Steve Siebold writes, "Being rich isn't a privilege. 
Being rich is a right. 
If you create massive value for others, you have the right to be as rich as you want."

3. Auto-suggestion: 

Use affirmations to reach your goal.

Turning desire for money or success into reality requires sending your subconscious mind phrases and mantras that support your goal. You have to repeat out loud what it is that you want, and how you plan to get it, so you become obsessed with your purpose, Hill explains:
"Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession."
For example, if you aim to save $1 million for retirement by putting away money every week, you would repeat, "I will set aside money this week to have $1 million in retirement savings," as many times as possible each day.

4. Specialised knowledge: 

Gain experiences and continue learning.

Knowledge is potential power. An education only becomes powerful and leads to great wealth when it is organized and applied to life. It also must be continually sought after. You're never done learning, Hill emphasises:
"Successful men, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialised knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession. Those who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the knowledge-acquiring period ends when one finishes school."
Many modern-day successful and wealthy people are voracious readers; they never stop learning and challenging their minds.
5. Imagination: 
Come up with ideas and visualize your success.
If you can imagine it, you can create it, says Hill:
"Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. 
Ideas are products of the imagination ..."
"Man's only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination."
Don't be afraid to come up with, and develop, ideas. "Whoever you are, wherever you may live, whatever occupation you may be engaged in, just remember in the future, every time you see the words 'Coca-Cola,' that its vast empire of wealth and influence grew out of a single idea," Hill writes.
Consider Sara Blakely, whose small, disruptive idea — making an incision in a pair of pantyhose — amounted to her booming, billion-dollar business, Spanx, and rocketed her into the limelight.

6. Organised planning: 

Take action.

Once you've visualised your success, you need to take action and go after exactly what you want. You must act with persistence and enthusiasm. Hill explains:
"Opportunity has spread its wares before you. 
Step up to the front, select what you want, create your plan, put the plan into action, and follow through with persistence."
"Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. 
Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. 
There is no substitute for persistence."
For instance, if you're looking to build wealth, start with forming a financial plan, and determine exactly where you want your money to go.

7. Decision: 

Defeat procrastination with decisiveness.

A key trait Hill recognized in all of the individuals he studied who acquired great wealth was decisiveness. Those who settle on decisions quickly know what they want, and they tend to get what they want. He writes:
"People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often."
Decisiveness is not just a trait of the wealthy, but one of the most important qualities a leader needs to possess. At the end of the day, making a bad decision is better than making no decision at all. 

8. Persistence: 

Don't stop until you get what you want.

Persistence is crucial when trying to accumulate wealth, yet few people possess the willpower required to turn their desire for money into actual money. Hill writes:
"Riches do not respond to wishes. 
They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence."
The most successful people tend to have dealt with, and overcome, failure. "I've learned that it doesn't matter how many times you failed," Mark Cuban told Smart Business. "You only have to be right once. I tried to sell powdered milk. I was an idiot lots of times, and I learned from them all."

9. Power of the Master Mind: 

Surround yourself with the best.

The wealthiest people create a "Master Mind," meaning they surround themselves with talented friends and colleagues who share their vision. The alignment of several smart and creative minds is exponentially more powerful than just one, Hill explains:
"No individual may have great power without availing himself of the "Master Mind" ..."
"A group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery."
This may explain why rich people tend to make friends with other rich people. "Exposure to people who are more successful than you are has the potential to expand your thinking and catapult your income," writes self-made millionaire Steve Siebold. "We become like the people we associate with, and that's why winners are attracted to winners."

10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation: 

Choose a compatible partner.

Sexual energy is an incredibly powerful human energy — it creates physical life and develops emotional life, and when it is harnessed and redirected, it can enhance our creativity, passion, enthusiasm, and persistence, all which are crucial in accumulating wealth, Hill says:
"Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. 
When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times."
"Love, romance, and sex are all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement. When combined, these three emotions may lift one to an altitude of genius."
While this step may feel like a bit of a stretch, having a supportive partner is important to career success. Research also shows that having a conscientious spouse can boost your salary by $4,000 a year.

11. The Subconscious Mind: 

Master positivity and dismiss negative emotions.

If you truly want to be rich, you have to plant that desire, and then your plan, into your subconscious mind. Hill writes:
"The subconscious mind will not remain idle! 
If you fail to plant desires in your subconscious mind, it will feed upon the thoughts which reach it as the result of your neglect."
"Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. 
One or the other must dominate. 
It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind."
If you want to be successful and grow rich, it is critical that the positive emotions dominate any negative ones that arise, Hill says. He was on to something: Today, research shows that positive, happier people are more likely to perform better at their jobs and are less likely to be unemployed.

12. The Brain: 

Associate with other smart people and learn from them.

Our brain is a "transmitter and receiver of thought vibrations" — it absorbs thoughts from other individuals surrounding us, making it even more important to associate with intelligent, creative, and positive individuals. Hill writes:
"Every human brain is capable of picking up vibrations of thought which are being released by other brains ..."
"The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain, which receives thoughts released by the brains of others."
This principle is simply application of the Master Mind principle. It takes it one step further — rather than just surrounding yourself with people who are smarter and better, use the members of your group to find solutions to problems or brainstorm ideas. Hill calls this "blending of several minds into one," and suggests sitting down with a small group of people and diving deep into the problem at hand.

13. The Sixth Sense: 

Trust your gut.

The final principle — the "sixth sense" — occurs only after you've mastered the other 12 principles. You'll experience a sort of mind-shift, Hill says: "Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them."
While this principle isn't the most straightforward — Hill admits it is generally not attained until age 40 — his basic claim is that your intuition will change. You'll have achieved a level of wisdom that will allow you to start making smart financial and life decisions naturally.
Although it takes a while to master the final step, you can still get a lot out of the other 12 principles, Hill says:
"No matter who you are, or what may have been your purpose in reading this book, you can profit by it without understanding the principle described in this chapter. This is especially true if your major purpose is that of accumulation of money or other material things."

Monday 23 July 2018

Video: Activate Your Money Mind - Think Wealth, Get Wealth (This Works!)

"Wonderful video following on from previous post... 
Divine presence is within you and reflected outwardly. 
Life is a mirror of which reflects back to you precisely that which you deposit in your mind.
Wisely improve your present.
Health, wealth, love & expression.
Your infinite intelligence in your conscious mind will bring your desires to pass 
in their divine order.
Your subconscious mind reflects your stronger thought; think prosperity & endless wealth.
Never engage in thinking lack; think ...'I am happy / prosperous / healthy etc"
This too (difficulties) will pass..."

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....