Monday 15 April 2019

Meditation For Overcoming Your Social Anxiety

Meditation Helps Social Anxiety
Anxiety and stress have a tendency to be truly difficult to deal with and they can put a lot of pressure on the mind. 
Upon experiencing the severity of the problem that stress and anxiety can cause, it is no surprise that so many will look towards means of alleviating the problem. 
However, the steps people will take to deal with such issues are often worse than the problem itself. Or, in some cases, such steps can outright compound the problem. Such is the case with using prescription pills to treat anxiety. These pills may provide a temporary calmness but they never get to the root cause of the issues that create anxiety. Additionally, prescription pills possess the potential to harm the internal organs which is certainly not something anyone would wish to deal with.
Thankfully, as more and more people are becoming aware of the dangers associated with modern anti-anxiety drugs, people are also becoming more aware of older, traditional methods known for their ability to reverse many of the problems associated with high anxiety. 
One such method is the concept of meditation.
Meditation sometimes gets a proverbial bad rap as well. This is because it has a tendency to be lumped in with a number of less than helpful "New Age" concepts that some may find more odd than helpful. 
However, meditation is certainly not as obtuse as many think. It is simply a form of exercise that works on strengthening the mind as opposed to the physical body. Often, with a little practice and dogged determination, it is not as tough as some assume to reap huge benefits from meditation sessions. On a basic level, meditation involves calming oneself, emptying the mind, and allowing negative and stressful thoughts to exit. 

Meditation can be performed seated, lying down, or even walking. 
The key with all forms of meditation is that the mind empties itself out and there is no attempt to think about those things which can make a person anxious or upset. 
For those that cannot keep their mind emptied, it may be best to meditate on a Zen koan which is a riddle with no particular answer. What is the purpose of these riddles? 
They are intended to help you learn about yourself and reach into your inner thoughts. 
And, of course, they keep your mind occupied which prevents it from dealing with hidden stress and anxiety.
Over time, the effects of meditation begin to reveal themselves and they are often quite positive. 
The mind will start to be less cluttered and the psychic noise and running thoughts that are at the root of all anxiety will slowly calm down and disappear.
This does not mean the serious problems related to the anxiety condition will go away. However, the ability to deal with such problems may very well be improved since the mind will not be in a position where it is at the mercy of such aggravation. 
Best of all, meditation can take place in durations as small as ten minutes and still have positive effects. 
That is why it remains so highly recommended for this in need of a helpful treatment method.
Overcoming anxiety without getting to the core of reducing stress in your life is an almost impossible task. 
If you want to experience anxiety relief naturally you will need to take control of all of the things in your life that are causing you stress and anxiety.

by David McDonough: source

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