Tuesday 6 November 2018

You Can Eat An Elephant With A Teaspoon!

By Mike Doyle.

You Can Eat An Elephant With A Teaspoon!
Ok..so this may take a long time, but it is actually possible if you feel that way inclined!

The point is that the goals you have in life may seem a long way off or indeed huge in this moment, but if you were to break them down into 'edible portions' then you would succeed and reach them.

Greatness comes to those who are patient; they keep their eye on the destination/goal and methodically put one foot in front of the other until they arrive at the end of their journey.

Now, the reason I am sharing these thoughts with you, is that I have my goals and dreams too. I have been setting up a business selling unique art prints, which in the past year has given me plenty of steep learning curves and hurdles to surmount.

What I have learned from the past year is that 'life' will always 'get in the way', but you must steady your eye on the horizon and keep making small alterations to steer yourself back to your course and goal... 
..like eating the elephant with a teaspoon...perseverance (albeit small) will win the day!

To share with you my own example; during the last year whilst starting my business my mother became poorly and so my focus switched to her health and wellbeing. After a few operations and many times in hospital she is gradually getting stronger and more independent. 
In this difficult time she became my priority and my business and Self Development Forum temporarily took a back seat; but I still did something everyday towards my vision because the road may have seemed longer for a while but I was still determined to take steps towards the end destination.

This is why recently I have posted about the importance of morning routines. 
I have done this because I have been re-reading and watching how this is so important to achieving your goals for each day and subsequently the bigger dream!

My morning routine had lapsed, but I am back on it and getting up at 5.30 am to do the things that make me a more productive and better person for myself and those around me.

"So...don't let that elephant phase you! 
Pick up your teaspoon and just start!
You will be surprised at how easy it is if you just persevere with small steps."


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