Thursday 8 November 2018

Let Go & Trust In The Universe!

By Mike
Let Go.. 
The Universe Is Giving You Signs 
That You Will Be OK
I'm speaking from experience now.

Have you ever reached that point in your life whereby you have felt you just have to 'give in' to the Universe (the unknown) and just 'let go' of the result and the answers to the next step in your journey?

I've been experiencing that feeling too. 
As I've said before I am building a new business and looking after an ageing parent and at times it has been demanding.

So, I want to share with you a couple of things that have happened recently, which have recognisably happened in my past too.

I have recently had to face many challenges; the business not going as planned, money issues and my mums health.

The other day I felt I was out of answers or actions for the next step of my journey.
So I went into the garden to be 'in touch' with nature and just to 'let go' of what was supposed to happen next.
It was a cloudy, heavy autumn day, but peaceful at the same time. 
I consciously made the decision in that moment to 'let go' of the next step, to stop worrying about the future and allow the answers to come to me.

As I thought this the heavy clouds moved across the dark sky and the most beautiful watery sun appeared.
The warmth and light of the suns rays at that precise moment made me feel I was being given a sign that I was supported and all would be ok; to trust in the Universe.

This had happened before in my life. 
At points in my past where I have felt like giving up, a beautiful sun has made itself known to me; showing me that I have been heard and not to give up.

Look out for your sign; you'll know it when you see it. 
Trust in the Universe that...
...when you 'let go' you will be OK.      

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