Friday 3 August 2018

Your Steps To Success

Your 5 Steps To Success
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, 
it can achieve." 
Napoleon Hill
There are five simple steps that can lead you to success in everything you touch - in your business and your personal life. 
Successful professionals around the world share these important characteristics.
How many times have you seen someone who appears to have it all? You may have noticed the ones who succeed in their business with what seems like very little effort. They have a great home, loving family, and skills you can only dream of. It can be tempting to brush this off as sheer luck, but it's not.
Truly successful people follow a system, which attracts success to them like a magnet. By understanding and implementing these steps in your own life, you can take your business and personal life to new heights.
Firstly, have fun. People rarely succeed in tasks that they hate. Those who have fun with their job, who enjoy their tasks, attract success to them. You will only experience true fulfilment and joy in your life if you learn to have fun with what you do.
Secondly, dream big. 
Everyone has dreams, of course. Truly successful people have visions. They envision their future down to the smallest detail, and work everyday to make their reality match their vision, a goal, or purpose. I urge you to consider exactly how you want your business or your career to look like. You need to have a vivid picture of the monthly revenue you want, which leads to the lifestyle you desire.
As you start making your dream into a reality, you will run into many people who tell you that your dream is impossible. Nobody can take your dream away from you unless you allow it. Envision your life exactly as you want it. As the architect of your own money, it is up to you to decide where you want to be. Once that decision is made, it is only a matter of time catching up to it. Whatever your dream is, you can make it into a reality, provided that you consistently envision yourself already in the possession of what you have been dreaming of.
The third step is to really believe in yourself. 
Napoleon Hill said, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Many of us have heard this for years without really feeling it. If you think of something and believe with all your being that it is possible, you can create that in your future.
Top performers in any field, whether in business, sports, or finance, totally believe in their abilities. Believe in yourself, and believe in your business and the product or services your business offers.
Fourth is to identify individuals who are already living your dream, and align yourself with them. Look for someone who is experiencing the success you want, and study what they are doing. Success leaves tracks, and you can follow them step-by-step to find your own success.
There is a story that claims that your income will be the average of your five closest friends. If your income doesn't allow you to live the life you desire, perhaps you need to align yourself with wealthier people. By studying what successful people do, you will learn the secrets to their success. It will essentially help you find your very own success. Subsequently, people will seek you out because you have become an expert in your field.
The last piece of the puzzle is commitment. You must commit yourself to action in order to reach your goals. Simply dreaming and envisioning about your life will do nothing to improve it. If you don't have perseverance, no amount of talent, genius, and education will help you. Commit yourself to your goals, and you will enjoy unbounded success.

by Jerome Pusung: source

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