Thursday 5 April 2018

Exercise - Rebounding Your Way To Health

The Rebounder

Why Rebounding is such an 
effective exercise

It just seems like something we do for fun!!!  Children even love it and will jump on anything – beds, jumping castles, couches or anything that is springy.
The answer is that Rebounding is one of the very few exercises that constantly increases and decreases Earth’s Gravitational-Force on your body and on every single cell…all at once…100 times per minute. The effect is that your cells adjust from being completely weightless at the top of every bounce, to weighing double at the bottom of each bounce.  This can be likened to every cell doing a little sit-up, or having a gentle massage (in your muscles, bones, eyes, organs, skin etc).  This strengthens your WHOLE body – and also increases the effect of whatever exercise you’re doing on the mat (walking, jogging, toning, lifting weights etc).

What makes fitness and medical professionals so interested in rebounding?

Fitness trainers and coaches love it because it has been proven to be a safe and highly effective way to build and increase aerobic fitness, endurance and strength – WITHOUT any impact to the joints nerves and skeletal system.
Medical practitioners and therapists love it for the same reason – but they are even more interested in its effect on your lymphatic system. No other exercise can boost your lymphatic circulation as effectively as rebounding can (the same G-Force effect opens and shuts every lymph valve on every bounce as well).  And the effect of improved lymph flow has phenomenal benefits for your health – both immediate and long term.

Why would you love it?

For all the above reasons, but perhaps more so because it’s such an enjoyable exercise to do...and the benefits are felt almost immediately: 
more energy  
better sleep 
improved digestion
and the... 
whites of your eyes and your skin become brighter.  
Long term benefits are documented in volumes of books, research and studies – but the bottom line is that it:
Strengthens, oxygenates and rejuvenates EVERY part of your body!  
Plus, the fun aspect also makes it an exercise you’ll really enjoy and want to do regularly.

Who else uses rebounding?

You only have to scan through health and fitness pages to find rebounding everywhere, and here are a few:
  • A NASA study found rebounding to be 68% more effective than running on a treadmill
  • David Beckham used it to maintain fitness while recovering from his knee injury
  • Tony Robbins and Robin Banks (2 of the world’s top motivational speakers) recommend and use it
  • Olympic coach Harry Shneider designed rebounding programs to improve athletes’ performances
  • The Hong Kong Special Forces have included rebounding in their program to keep their members fit
  • Rebounding classes are facilitated in over 5000 gyms around the world
  • Weight control clinics use and recommend it
How do you do it?

For health – Simply stand on the mat with relaxed knees and shoulders – and bounce gently (initially, your feet don’t have to leave the mat)
For aerobic fitness – increase your bounce to a vigorous walk, jog or fast run on the spot.
For toning – this is a superb “core” exercise because the mildly unstable mat surface automatically engages these muscles to keep you upright. The G-Force also doubles (and can quadruple) the effect of muscle toning.
For Burning Calories – running on a rebounder burns more calories than running on a hard surface, plus improved lymph flow clears waste and toxins away from your cells, which allows your cells to absorb more oxygen and cravings for carbs and sugar decreases.

For how long must you bounce?
Duration depends on your goal.
  • 2 – 3 minutes every hour for energy at work or while studying – or as part of a recovery program from certain illness or surgery
  • 5 – 10 minutes 2-3 times a day as a health maintenance and/or toning program
  • 20 minutes once a day as a health and fitness program
  • 40 minutes 3 – 4 times a week for all of the above as well as aerobic fitness
  • However, never miss an opportunity to bounce.  If you can only do a 2 minute session, or 10 minutes a few times a week – DO IT!!!  Obviously you won’t get the full benefit – but even 2 minutes bouncing is better than nothing, because it takes just 2 minutes of rebounding to triple your white blood cell count and flush your lymphatic system out.

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