Monday 13 May 2019

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life. 
2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others.
3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment.
4. Follow The Wise:  Listen To Your Seniors & Those With Experience; They Can Offer Countless Life Lessons.
5. Accept Mindfulness As A Way Of Life; It's Judgement - Free Of Others.
6. Embrace Change; You & Everything Changes, It's The Fundamental Law Of The Universe.
7. Live In The Moment Because Your Life Happens In The NOW.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Video: Step By Step - Achieve Your Goals!

Be The 1% Of Successful People!
Goal Setting.
!Stop looking at your phone first thing in the morning!
Alpha State of Mind -->> Meditation.
Move Your Body & Your Mind Will Follow.
Show Up To 'The Page' -- >> Just Start!
Micro Action -->> leads to your big goals!
Step by Step -->> Brick by Brick....Achieve Your Goals!
Show Commitment!
Don't Quit!

Friday 3 May 2019

Are You Creating Your Anxiety?

Creating A Negative Self-fulfilling Prophecy: 
Are You Causing Your Own Anxiety & Stress? 
What The heck Is a Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And What Does It Have To Do With Anxiety?
You might be asking yourself, "what is a negative self-fulfilling prophecy" and "How does it relate to 'anxiety'?"'s the scoop...Did you know that whenever you THINK things that are negative in any way, you can actually CAUSE negative things to happen in your life?
Does that sound too weird to be true? Well, it IS true, and it's called "negative self-fulfilling prophecy"*
...And just so you know...If you are creating a negative self-fulfilling prophecy, YOU could be causing your own anxiety!!!
An Example Of Just How You May Be Causing Your Own Anxiety Via Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Let me explain how this happens...
1. You're about to ask someone out on a date, for example, and you are really nervous. All day before the date, you can't help but think to yourself, "I'm going to mess this up, and my date will end up not liking me."
2. When the evening comes around, you go out on your date. You're still anxious, because, in your mind, you are telling yourself that you just won't be able to have a good night...and that you aren't going to know what to talk about with your date...and that he or she is going to think you're not intelligent.
3. Then later on, while you're on your date, you can't think of a thing to stumble over your words...and you end up saying something that insults your date (even though you didn't mean it).
4. By the end of the night, your date (a person you'd really like to go out with again) tells you that he/she isn't really interested in going out again.
5. After your date leaves. You sit there feeling even more anxious...and pretty darn depressed too. In your mind, you tell yourself, "I knew this would happen! I knew I was going to mess up!"
Changing Your Way Of Thinking...Getting The Best Out Of Life...Without Anxiety!
Listen carefully...There is another way...a better way you could have dealt with a situation like that...a kind of "self-fulfilling prophecy" in reverse...
It's called... 
"Positive Self-fulfilling Prophecy."
See...if you had told yourself before your date that you are, "A fun, intelligent, and easy going person", you likely would have had a second date with that person.
Why? Because, the way you THINK and FEEL impacts the way you ACT. How you perceive yourself and the world around you can either make you or break you. And if you incorporate happy thoughts...confidence...and positive thinking, I guarantee you that you'll have A ZILLION less chances of failing in life...and A ZILLION more chances to have GREAT things happen to you in life...
..and A LOT less ANXIETY!
So ...the next time you find yourself saying negative things about yourself or others around you, do a
360 degree turn around and say "good" things instead of "bad" ...say "positive" things instead of "negative" things...think "confidence" rather than "failure"...think "happy" rather than "sad."
Watch the people around you WANT to be around you, because they think you're so confident, easy-going, pleasant, intelligent, worldly, positive, and so-on!
Remember..."self-fulfilling prophecy" is one of the biggest determiners of how well you do in life...and how much anxiety you have in your life.
So...when you find yourself creating a "negative self-fulfilling prophecy"...reverse this way of, think positively, and feel good about yourself...
You'll love the results!

by Alexandra Mannock: source

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Video: Seth Godin's Most Inspiring Speech On Your Fulfillment!

Story of Icarus.
Fly high & dream of something bigger!
More importantly; don't fly too low and become constrained of your true self!
Stop trying to 'fit in'. 
Be your true self.
Let go of the outcome.
You cannot be curious and angry at the same time; in that moment be the best version of yourself!
Be curious of why something is as it is....not angry.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Embrace Vulnerability As YOUR Greatest Strength!

Born Vulnerable

What do you associate with vulnerability?
Perhaps it's weakness, fear, hurt or betrayal.
These are the deep-seated emotions people experience when they reveal aspects of themselves.
Let's be clear. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness and can be your greatest strength.

"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage" 
- affirms research professor and author BrenĂ© Brown in Rising Strong.
Vulnerability is a double-edged sword. Those who protect themselves to avoid getting hurt, fail to appreciate intimacy and close relationships.
Everyone is vulnerable, no matter how much they try to avoid it. We are born vulnerable and stay that way for our entire childhood. Our relationship with vulnerability is something we are acquainted with, yet abandon as we merge into adulthood.
Your association with vulnerability requires a shift in awareness in order to strengthen your emotional well-being.
It is no use erecting barricades around you while hoping at the same time others will see the blossoming flower within.
The wall you construct prevents your true nature from being known to others.
It was Rumi who said: 
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
You must accept your vulnerability if you wish to live a wholesome life. 
Even the smallest act of letting down your guard is a commitment to your personal growth.
"When we experience a great loss or hurt that feels like 'broken heartedness', we now realize that our heart is not broken. It's actually the heart's protective shell of defences breaking open to allow us to feel all emotions fully," 

- writes author Loch Kelly in Shift into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness.
Your Fractured Parts
Vulnerability is an act of courage because you merge with your authentic self, instead of hiding behind a facade to appease others.
It is within the unknown where your greatest potential lies. Human nature is imperfect, yet the paradox is that we are whole within that sphere of imperfection.
To embrace vulnerability as your greatest strength, you'll need to become aware of your pain points. Retaliation leads to suffering, since you are likely to defend your pain like a wounded animal.
Neuropsychologist Mario Martinez writes in his book: The MindBody Code: How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success
"The wound you choose in order to interpret your pain becomes a shield of protection against forgiving, because releasing your grudge means being vulnerable again"

Vulnerability involves healing your fractured parts by merging with the wholeness of your being.
Consider it akin to a jigsaw puzzle strewn across the floor. Some might say the puzzle is incomplete given the pieces are lying on the floor. However, by gathering them together you create the entire picture once more.
That is the heart of your life story. You have disowned your fractured parts, instead of trying to piece them together.
You are a masterpiece; a Rembrandt replete with perfection. Yet, you focus on your brokenness in the same way as a cracked oil painting when exposed to the elements.
The painting is no less beautiful because of its flaws. It is upon examining it up close you recognise the defects, while ignoring the complete picture.
"Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I am brave and worthy of love and belonging," affirms Brené Brown.
Heal the Pain
To heal your pain requires undertaking a process of self-examination. You must become curious as to why you react when your pain buttons are triggered.
Every person has pain thresholds. If left unchecked, they become inflamed and dominate your emotional landscape, not to mention your physical health.
The moment you heal the pain, you reintegrate it into the wholeness of your being.
"Make your heart as vast as space, so big that nothing can harm it. When our hearts are that wide, it is as if the judgments are ripples on water, flowing away and leaving no trace. This is what vulnerability makes possible. It allows the natural strength of the heart to emerge" 
writes author Mark Coleman in Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic.
Suffering ensues when you focus on your sorrow, instead of appreciating the beauty and richness of your complete self.
It is as though you are looking through a magnifying glass on your shattered parts. You give them more attention than they deserve, so others are made aware of your weaknesses too.
Your shadows are one aspect of your character. When healed, you come to realise the completeness of your being.
Therefore, become a student of vulnerability by taking small risks. This act of self-renewal shines a light on your fractured parts, and is brought to your awareness and seen for what they are; a smokescreen.
"This feeling of rawness is key to working with vulnerability. They often feel like one and the same thing. The challenge is to find a way to be comfortable feeling the innate vulnerability of being human. If we can hold our vulnerability with a loving attention, the painful feelings can unfold and slowly move through us" 
- affirms author Mark Coleman once more.
Similarly, be wary of the ego and its aversion to being vulnerable. The ego likes to protect its image and vulnerability is a crack in its armour.
It signifies weakness and will do everything to defend itself.
Your greatest triumph will arise when you lean in to your vulnerabilities with openness and compassion.
There is nothing to defend nor protect, for the egoic voice has merely taken command and insisted on protecting you from getting hurt.
I wish to leave you with a passage from BrenĂ© Brown's book Rising Strong in which she writes: 
"I was reminded that shame is a liar and a story-stealer. I have to trust myself and the people I care about more than the gremlins, even if that means risking being hurt"
The gremlins she speaks of is the small self preventing your magnificence being known.

 Trust your heart's wisdom and its real essence, not the voice in your head.
It is only then you will appreciate how vulnerability is a commanding act of strength and courage.

by Tony Fahkry: source

Sunday 28 April 2019

Video: Embrace Your Vulnerability: Brené Brown

"Have Courage To Fully Embrace Your Vulnerability - 
- what makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful!
What Makes You Feel Vulnerable? - 
- do you 'numb' your vulnerability using behaviours 
that are not good for you? 
e.g. self medicate, over eat etc?
Blame is described as:
A Way to Discharge Pain & Discomfort
Do You 'Perfect' - try for perfection to make things ok?
Do You Pretend; pretend that your behaviours don't have an impact on others?
Let Yourself Be Seen.
Love With Your Whole Heart - Courage!
Practise Gratitude & Joy! 
Be Thankful For What you Have 
You Are Enough."

Friday 26 April 2019

Your A - Z Depression Help

A to Z of Depression
A. Anybody can suffer from depression. Depression knows no boundaries, has no favourites.
B. Books about depression abound...
C. Chemicals are what depression is about.
D. Depression is about not wanting to get up in the morning, about not being able to sleep at night, about not wanting to do things you previously enjoyed doing.
E. Eating patterns often change for people suffering from depression
F. Fatigue is one of the biggest complaints we hear from people talking about depression
G. Getting physical is a great help if you want to do something about depression. Raising your heart rate increases the amount of blood pumped around your body... so your lungs will work harder... your body's level of oxygen will be increased. Oxygen-rich blood circulates around your body and of course to your brain. You will feel better!
H. Help is available for all those who need it. For more about depression check out your local directories or internet.
I. Intangible reasons - business failures, relationship difficulties, death of a loved ones - are often a trigger for depression.
J. Juggling family and work commitments can sometimes be overwhelming so if you are going to do something about depression, you will need to get support from people who know you.
K. Keeping safe is very important. If you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, ask for help - and keep asking until you find it.
L. Learn what triggers your depression. By doing this you will be able to create strategies to cope.
M. Memory loss and Alzheimer's are thought to be related to depression.
N. Neurotransmitters in the brain help nerve cells communicate. Some of these neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These substances can change and get out of balance. Understanding that will help you to learn more about depression.
O. Ownership of your depression is empowering. Figure out what makes it tick - this will help you to put strategies in place to deal with it.
P. Personify your depression. Winston Churchill coined the phrase 'Black Dog' to personify the terrible bouts of depression which plagued him throughout his life.
Q. Question your medical advisers about what you could be doing to help. Ask about medication, but also ask about exercise and nutrition. All these things are invaluable as you put together as much information as you can about how your body works and, also, about depression.
R. Rest is important. Relax. Meditate. Pick up a guitar. Go for a walk. Do something that you enjoyed before you became depressed. Now isn't the time to try something new. Go back to what you enjoyed before you became depressed.
S. Safety is of utmost importance. If you can, find someone you feel safe to talk to about depression. Alcohol and drugs become high risk factors for those suffering from depression, particularly adolescents. Find a place where it is safe to go, and people who are safe to be with.
T. Traditional treatment (medication) should be discussed with your doctor. There are also alternative treatments available - but check with your doctor first. Treating depression can be complex. No-one knows all there is to know about depression. Leave it to the experts. But look yourself at what 'triggers' your depression. If you have personified it - for example, if it is your 'black dog' - find out what feeds it and what starves it.
U. Understanding all there is to know about depression would take a lifetime. Don't look that far into the future. Take one day at a time.
V. Vitamins are good! A healthy diet is good for all sorts of things, including depression. Eat well - healthy minds go hand in hand with healthy bodies.
W. Weather can cause depression!!! SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can be effectively treated with exposure to sunlight which increases serotonin levels.
X. Think of things that made you excited before you were depressed. Recreate some of that excitement - get the endorphins flowing.
Y. You are not alone. It is widely agreed that by 2020 depression will be the second major illness in the world. People from all ages, races, genders and socio-economic background are affected by depression. The more you understand about depression, the better placed you will be to deal with it if it happens to you, or someone you love.
Z. ZZZZ... get regular sleep, get regular exercise, eat healthy food...

by Glenda M Martin: source

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....