Friday 3 May 2019

Are You Creating Your Anxiety?

Creating A Negative Self-fulfilling Prophecy: 
Are You Causing Your Own Anxiety & Stress? 
What The heck Is a Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And What Does It Have To Do With Anxiety?
You might be asking yourself, "what is a negative self-fulfilling prophecy" and "How does it relate to 'anxiety'?"'s the scoop...Did you know that whenever you THINK things that are negative in any way, you can actually CAUSE negative things to happen in your life?
Does that sound too weird to be true? Well, it IS true, and it's called "negative self-fulfilling prophecy"*
...And just so you know...If you are creating a negative self-fulfilling prophecy, YOU could be causing your own anxiety!!!
An Example Of Just How You May Be Causing Your Own Anxiety Via Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Let me explain how this happens...
1. You're about to ask someone out on a date, for example, and you are really nervous. All day before the date, you can't help but think to yourself, "I'm going to mess this up, and my date will end up not liking me."
2. When the evening comes around, you go out on your date. You're still anxious, because, in your mind, you are telling yourself that you just won't be able to have a good night...and that you aren't going to know what to talk about with your date...and that he or she is going to think you're not intelligent.
3. Then later on, while you're on your date, you can't think of a thing to stumble over your words...and you end up saying something that insults your date (even though you didn't mean it).
4. By the end of the night, your date (a person you'd really like to go out with again) tells you that he/she isn't really interested in going out again.
5. After your date leaves. You sit there feeling even more anxious...and pretty darn depressed too. In your mind, you tell yourself, "I knew this would happen! I knew I was going to mess up!"
Changing Your Way Of Thinking...Getting The Best Out Of Life...Without Anxiety!
Listen carefully...There is another way...a better way you could have dealt with a situation like that...a kind of "self-fulfilling prophecy" in reverse...
It's called... 
"Positive Self-fulfilling Prophecy."
See...if you had told yourself before your date that you are, "A fun, intelligent, and easy going person", you likely would have had a second date with that person.
Why? Because, the way you THINK and FEEL impacts the way you ACT. How you perceive yourself and the world around you can either make you or break you. And if you incorporate happy thoughts...confidence...and positive thinking, I guarantee you that you'll have A ZILLION less chances of failing in life...and A ZILLION more chances to have GREAT things happen to you in life...
..and A LOT less ANXIETY!
So ...the next time you find yourself saying negative things about yourself or others around you, do a
360 degree turn around and say "good" things instead of "bad" ...say "positive" things instead of "negative" things...think "confidence" rather than "failure"...think "happy" rather than "sad."
Watch the people around you WANT to be around you, because they think you're so confident, easy-going, pleasant, intelligent, worldly, positive, and so-on!
Remember..."self-fulfilling prophecy" is one of the biggest determiners of how well you do in life...and how much anxiety you have in your life.
So...when you find yourself creating a "negative self-fulfilling prophecy"...reverse this way of, think positively, and feel good about yourself...
You'll love the results!

by Alexandra Mannock: source

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