Thursday 18 October 2018

Video: The MISTAKE We All Do In The Morning

1. Change your routine in the morning for a more positive life!

2. Don't touch your phone/screen in the first hour - it's training you to be reactive not creative!

3. Allow your alpha brain state to unfold through meditation....absorb information/creative time.

Monday 8 October 2018

Opportunity Is Right Here

Opportunity Is Right Here
Has it ever crossed your mind why some people always make it in life regardless of their status or 
background or even beliefs? 

The reason is that they have mastered the LIFE PRINCIPLE which says that... 
..wherever you are there is something prepared for you. 

Move away from trying to think that good things 
or better things are never found where you are
but rather somewhere else.

Right there where you are you have an opportunity to do great things and to be a better person. You do not need to look for those good things from other people or from other families or communities. Take time to dig around yourself and where you are. This world is structured in such a way that if you truly believe in your dreams and work hard on those dreams, you are going to be a success, regardless of where you are. So opportunity is everywhere.
This world we live in is a place where the bold and courageous ones make it. Be bold in your field of expertise. Be the best in what you do and where you are now, you will make extraordinary milestones. Maybe you are a writer, be the best in your writing. Do not be afraid that most things have been written, the world is waiting to hear your voice concerning a certain philosophy or concept.
Right now the opportunity is there, where you are sitting, working or studying. Look round about and see, the land is full of gold and diamonds for you to pick. I am reminded of a book by; Dr Russell. H Conwell: Acres of Diamonds:
In the book there is a story about a certain farmer who was content because he was happy. One day a certain wise man came and asked him if he knew that finding a diamond the size of his thumb would make him own a city.
The farmer became discontent and unhappy such that he decided to sell off his land to go and look for diamond. He went around the world looking for the diamond and found none. He actually died while searching. On the other hand the new farm owner while watering the camels in the farm found a sparkling stone.
The wise man came back looking for the original farm owner, couldn't find him. The new farm owner showed the wise man the stone and the wise man was amazed because it was DIAMOND.
Meaning the original farm owner was sitting on acres of diamonds yet he knew it not.
Moral of the story
  • opportunity is always under our feet. We do not have to go anywhere. All we need to do is recognise it.
"Your big opportunity maybe right where you are now"
~ Napoleon Hill
"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more."
~ Tony Robbins
So opportunity is always knocking at your door, but it takes that kind of eye and a right attitude to realise the great opportunities that lie in your life. You were planted for a purpose where you are right now and you do not need to be someone or somewhere to be significant or influential in this life.
Do not wait to be given an opportunity by anyone, you already have the opportunity under your feet.

by Tinashe B, Mutomba

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Video: How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Understanding that the 'heart' is the metaphysical centre of love & knowing.
Bless the the things that hurt you...the blessing is the acknowledgment, which then allows the physical energy of 'hurt' to move up through the body to relieve the 'charge of hurt' & turns to 'beauty'.
Blessing the pain leads to beauty & love.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Listen From Your Heart

Listen From Your Heart

Your heart is a powerful listening tool to capture the subtle nuances of tone of voice, body language and choice of words. All too often people listen on the surface with their egos--hearing the words, but failing to notice the subtle nuances--as they patiently wait for their turn to speak.
Too often we are preoccupied by what we want to say or by projecting our hopes or fears onto the other person's words. Consciously using your heart, however, allows you to access a deeper part of yourself--a part that is both receptive and willing to listen to the depth and breath of the message that is being conveyed. In so doing your heart allows you to connect to others on a soul level, taking you beyond mere words into the realm of truer and more soulful, thus meaningful communication.
Consciously listening from the heart and thoughtfully hearing the nuances and deeper emotional meaning of the words is a wonderful way to truly tune into who people are.
You can learn to listen with your heart by imagining that your ears are in the centre of your heart--that your heart is receiving the sound vibrations of the words, which helps you to access the more profound level of meaning. Listening from your heart brings greater meaning to your interactions as well as making it easier for you to respond in a genuine and heartfelt way to the emotional content of what is said.
As a metaphysical and energetic realm, the heart is the centre of the human energy system. The new field of energetic cardiology has revealed that the heart is more than a muscular pump. It has wisdom; it is the metaphysical and energetic centre of love, and knowing. It is unfortunate that we have been taught to distrust the wisdom of our hearts. We have become disconnected from who we truly are--spiritual beings having a human experience. We work when rest is called for, we eat even though we are not hungry, and laugh when it is a sad situation, and we harbour angry when forgiveness would set us free. It is our ego/intellect that drives us to prove ourselves when our heart may be hurting, we feel rejected or we are struggling with a sense of unworthiness. The intellect/ego personality knows only fear and lack. We have forgotten to forgive, nurture and honour ourselves. We have forgotten to live with an open heart.
The metaphysical wisdom of our heart is a gift from Spirit and our Higher Selves. 
Listen and develop the ability to discern and balance the intellect with heart wisdom. When you listen from your heart, you have moved into your Spiritual Consciousness. You are raising the energy frequency of your being, the Planet, and yourself. That is what you are here to do; that is your love to yourself and others made manifest.

by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer: source

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....