Sunday 30 September 2018

Video: How to Harmonise Heart and Brain

"Connect with your 'heart brain' to feel - 
care, gratitude, compassion and appreciation.

Initiate a cascade of biochemical connections 
and immune response through - 
feeling, breath and your heart."

Monday 24 September 2018

Stay Positive!

A Few Positive Actions 
To Negate Some Of the Negatives
In view of the increasing negative events happening around the world here are five things you can do to help you stay positive.
1. Take a news sabbatical. Listening to the news can be downright depressing. All bad news all of the time can drag you down and keep you there. Give yourself permission to stop listening to the news, especially before bed time.
2. Use your influence to do good where you live. Shift your focus from what is happening in other parts of the world to your community. Get involved in making a positive change or contribution.
3. Focus on what is working in your life. Choose one thing that you are grateful for and focus on it for the rest of the day.
4. Express your appreciation to others. You can create a positive world one person at a time by saying thank you every chance you get to everyone you interact with - from the person who holds open a door for you to your child who does a chore to a cherished friend or loved one.
5. Focus on what you can change, let go of what you can't change. When faced with a distressing situation ask yourself if you can control over the events. If you do, change what you can. If you don't, learn to let it go and move on.

by Lucy MacDonald: source

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Secrets Of Your Universe: Nicola Tesla

The Secrets Of The Universe Lie Within 
Energy, Frequency & Vibration.
Nicola Tesla is easy for me to connect with. 
He is a man of great aptitude manipulating matter. 
Like me, he understands principles of the universe directly. 
Unlike me, when he was earthbound, his linear language usage and reasoning skills complement his divine knowing.
Tesla was a magnificent seer of inter dimensional truth. Few men ever reached his level of understanding of universal truths on such an expansive and inter-dimensional level re light, sound, vibration...
...interconnected in a flow of creation.
Tesla was not fractured like me. Tesla became a whole person retaining advanced knowing. These are some of my testaments to his working mind 
N.B: (see writers statement at bottom of this article)

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." 
Nicola Tesla
Energy is the composite of the universe. 
Vibration is its pulse. 
Frequency determines how the energy identifies molecular structures which quicken the pulse of creation. 
Creation occurs when these systems align in your solar system. 
The key to understanding lies in the acceptance of joining force fields with the centre point. 
Centre point is the unifying cohesive force-God.
Stagnation in the evolutionary process occurs here on earth because blockages of living treasures occur. Living treasures are soul opening frequencies moving through human spirit. Mankind journeys inward to reach the keeper of universal principles, but often hesitates to see truth. Open hearts are more able to evolve because the great force field assists in getting the greatest momentum of energy particles vibrating in mass distribution.
Frequency' is highly accelerated when heart driven. 
Hope keeps this occurring so we can perpetuate a kinder way of being. 
Great hope I have for human kind. 

Just like a flower opens to the sun. 
Man can open to God, the almighty principle of creation.
Tesla was able to bring universal principles into his earthbound awareness. When he was earthbound, he heard the healing truth by absorbing information from the core of boundless possibilities. His genius lay in hearing the vibrations in-sync with identifying principles, that orchestrated movement of particles-fine tuning curious ideas to penetrate the human mind.
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists."
 Nicola Tesla
Tesla heard unusual frequencies by a-tuning himself to the frequency of the earth. As an aspirant of inter-dimensional thought reception, he learned that matter in all forms can can be broken down to its purest particles and reconstructed.
Tesla wants principles of Energetics to be incorporated in small amounts to advance current systems in place. Tesla is aware mankind is now doing a poor job of sharing resources. 
Dreams of a time when power and greed subside to a make room for advancements.
Brave new kindness moving into alignment. Beginning to take hold in small increments. Time is going real fast right now, When man is aligned and ready, technology of free energy will appear. Now is not the time for development.
Like Tesla, you need to listen to your inner voice. Line up energy streams. Journey inward until you begin to absorb truth of creative potential trying to break through.
Difficult to look inward. Logic interferes. True genius moves beyond logic portal to divine assistance. Great genius open to those ready to leave logic behind-easier said than done. Heartfelt knowing reward for journeys of the soul. Tesla was capable! Teasing others to engage in experiments with unpredictable outcomes.
Tesla understood knowledge is in the soul, deep within our DNA. People can open themselves to truth through kindness. Kindness is a heart-felt vibration that keeps us united with truth of the soul.
Just remember souls unite in an effort to evolve mankind. They generate the universal principle of order- heading toward multiple dimensional thinking. Many vibrations sync together to best find the creative impetus that will guide mankind to persist in moving creation forward.
Tesla is still available for consult as are other great minds. They reach us as we reach out to them. Joyous interchanges occur when aligned. Their fields of awareness are still accessible. Remember, nothing stays stagnant for evolutionary minds. They always probe deeper. Our assimilated knowledge shifts with the advent of new ideas.
Planetary shifts create new opportunists for heart alignment to move mankind to place of service. Open your heart and you will understand the depth seen by autistic souls like me. Heal others as you heal yourself. Bring God home. Do not lock him out. Advanced technologies assume great responsibility.
From the writer of this article:
"I am a non-speaking autistic man with deep awareness of soul truth. I am here to teach those ready to listen. Hope someone hears me on a souls level. Ready to dream big, feeling optimistic. Open your hearts to divine inspiration. anyway which feels right to you. Thank you."

by Anthony Brown: source

Friday 7 September 2018

Video: How to Break Your Negative Thinking - Tony Robbins

"To achieve a new result you need a new action.
To get a new action you need to... 
change your emotional state by... 
...changing your physiological state!

Use a power position to increase your testosterone 
(men & women); this decreases your cortisol levels (stress) & you achieve a positive emotional state.. then achieve your goals!"

Thursday 6 September 2018

The Key To Your Success - Positive Thinking!

Positive Thinking - 
The Key To Your Success
Positive thinking along with gratitude, brings you not only success but in your daily life it also brings you inner peace, improved relationships, better health, happiness and joy. It also helps you to look at life with a whole new meaning... your daily affairs will run more smoothly, life will actually look brighter and even promising.
Positive thinking is also contagious just like a smile or laughter! Think about it - have you ever been with someone who is laughing at a joke or something funny that happened, and they can't stop laughing? Then, as they finally are able to control their laughter, they are thinking about the joke or funny incident and start laughing again... it makes you laugh right along with them - you can't help but laugh with them!
People around you will pick up on your positive attitude and are affected accordingly. Think about happy things - remember... for every negative, there is a positive. For every negative thought that comes into your mind, think of something positive about it, for instance... you are at work thinking how much you absolutely hate your job - think about how many thousands of people have lost their jobs over the past couple of years and have not been able to find another one! Now you are thankful (this is where gratitude steps in along with the positive thinking) that you at least HAVE a job even if you do hate it. One day I was cleaning out my house - getting rid of things to eliminate the clutter and I thought to myself "this house is just too small" (negative thought). Then I started thinking about all the homeless people and people over the past couple of years who have had their homes repossessed or those who have been evicted from their apartments (due to losing their jobs) - NOW, my thoughts turn to "We are so lucky and I am so thankful that my husband and I are both working so we can make our payments and have a roof over our heads and a place to sleep" (positive thought and gratitude).

In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to not only develop a positive attitude toward life, but also expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, and also take any necessary actions to ensure your success
For instance, you can't put your house up for sale and expect someone to buy it if you don't advertise or hire a real estate agent because no one will KNOW that it's for sale. If you hire a real estate agent who will advertise your home and bring people to see it, you know and can expect it to be sold.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just saying or thinking a few positive words, comments or thoughts. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then let those negative thoughts enter your mind. 
Some effort and work are necessary. 
At first, it takes practice... after all, you are used to thinking negative thoughts, right? 
Habits are hard to break but if you are persistent and try to remember to think those positive thoughts after a negative one enters your mind, pretty soon your positive attitude will become your new habit. 
It CAN be done - my husband was, and sometimes still is, the most negative person on the face of the earth - with everything. No matter what I said, he had a negative response. Well, after being married many years, what do you think happened? I actually caught myself becoming negative and my children were becoming negative - and I did not like that feeling or the results! So... I came up with something new! Every time someone said something negative like "I'll never get this done" or "it can't be done" I would respond with "positive follows positive; negative follows negative." In addition, whenever someone comes up with something negative, I respond with something positive! I also bring to their attention that they are being negative... of course, my husband will say "it's reality"... true... it may be reality, but if you THINK and BELIEVE negative, it will turn out negative; if you THINK and BELIEVE positive, it will turn out positive. Although my husband still comes up with negative thoughts, he is MUCH more positive than he used to be! Now, when I come back with a positive response, he actually agrees.
Here are a few tips to help you develop the power of positive thinking:
"Always use positive words while thinking and talking. Use words such as, "I can", "I am able", "it is possible", "it can be done", etc. I raised my children with "you can do anything you set your heart and mind to doing" and "anything is possible."
Allow into your awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.
Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
Before starting with any plan or action, visualise clearly in your mind its successful outcome. Visualise with concentration and faith - BELIEVE the outcome will be successful. Remember... positive follows positive, negative follows negative.
Read at least one page of an inspiring book or magazine every day. One of my favourite books is The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
Watch movies that make you laugh or feel happy - I always choose a comedy when selecting a movie; I do not watch war or fighting-type movies.
Minimise the time you listen to the news and read the papers - I never watch/listen to the news or read a newspaper. Talk about depressing! Yes, this is "reality" but I can CHOOSE to read or listen to the news I want to know about.
Associate yourself with people who think positively. Once again... a positive attitude is contagious.
On the "reality" note - have stress in your life that is totally negative and it's really hard to think positively. Unfortunately, this is part of life and we all go through it at some time or another... so... take a brisk walk, swim, ride a bike, go to the gym and work out or engage in some other physical activity. This not only helps to develop a more positive attitude, but it burns off the stress, too!
Think positive and expect only favourable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances and change them accordingly. You will form new thinking habits.
Follow the tips and suggestions in this article, and prove to yourself the "reality" of the...
...power of positive thinking!

by Bobbi Prim: source

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....