Monday 14 January 2019

Video: Real Life Superpowers Using Your Subconscious Mind!

1. Subconscious Mind Doesn't Know Real From Fake.
2. Time Passes Slowly When You're Living In The Subconscious i.e. Having Fun!
3. Create Positive Beliefs & These Will Become Real.
4. Every Thought Cause A Physical Reaction. 
 5. Positive Manifestation.

6. Your Subconscious Is Always Listening & Watching; Always Recording - 
Be Careful With Your Thoughts!
7. Subconscious Mind Beats The Conscious Mind.
8. Old Ideas Stay With You until it is Challenged!
9. More Conscious Mind Is Used = Less Subconscious Mind To Grow.
10. Suggestions Can Program The Subconscious.

Sunday 13 January 2019

7 Facts --> Understand The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

7 Facts To Understand 
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
There are 7 essential traits that you need to know in order to fully utilise the power of your subconscious mind. 
Missing any one of these might fail you to unleash the amazing power that resides inside you.

1. It works day and night 
Due to the nature of the subconscious that supports the life system, it can never retire. Like a 24 hour convenient store, your subconscious mind keeps your heart pumping, monitoring blood circulation, performing body healing, monitoring the digestion system etc. The subconscious is always there even when you consciously retire and it becomes even stronger when you are asleep. That's why it is advisable that you do not let your TV or radio on when you are asleep. Imagine what type of messages that your subconscious mind gets if you let those violence and gun shooting scenes run on your TV!
2. Problem Solving
The subconscious does not possess the ability to think and reason but inevitably, it solves more problems than the conscious mind. This is due to its ability to connect with the super conscious mind (the field of infinite intelligence) to search for solution. Believe it or not, there is at least a solution for every problem and you might not know where to look for, but your subconscious mind always does.
3. It functions voluntarily 
The receptive mode of your subconscious is always ON and there is nowhere that you can shut it down. If you do not make any effort to influence and stand guard of your subconscious mind, it will voluntarily seek out for just anything that it can find. By default, the psychology of the masses is always geared toward the negativity and this also means that they are always broadcasting negative stuff. If you do not make a conscious effort to shield your mind from negativity, they will get picked up as subliminal messages, a kind of subtle energy that escapes your hearing senses. 
4.The subconscious does not remain idle
Your mind can hardly stand still and it will always look out for references that it can keep and rely on. If you fail to find something, particularly a goal to impress your subconscious, it will randomly pick up just any thought that falls upon it, regardless good or bad. For that, you can either feed your mind with positive thoughts and goals or just let it run by default. Bear in mind that we are always surrounded by negativity. Just look at the newspaper and TV, I bet that you can find bad news in almost every page.

5. The Alpha state: 

The alpha state is the state where the door that connects the conscious and the subconscious is open. During this state you are more receptive towards suggestions and affirmations. That's why the communication between you and your subconscious is more effective during this state. You are in the receptive mode of alpha just at the moment before you fall asleep and at the very first moment you wake up.
6. Mental Image - the language of the mind  

Your mind thinks only in the form of images, it can never think in words. Your spoken words are just representing the images you have in mind, even if you are mentally spelling out a word. Try to think banana, what do you see? That's why visualization and imagination are so powerful in programming and influencing the subconscious mind. If you have seen 'The Secret', you will know that the attraction forces of your subconscious mind is activated with the visualisation tool.
7. It cannot differentiate between the real and not real 

One of the great things about the subconscious mind is its inability to differentiate between the real and not. What you vividly imagine, your subconscious will treat it as real and soon will find way to materialise them. Your powerful mind has a magnetic force that attracts the things that you have in mind, regardless good or bad, true or false. As long as you have a constant mental picture built in your mind, your subconscious will find way to expand it out in the reality. 

by Kenneth Wu: source

Friday 11 January 2019

9 Steps To Your Mindset Success!

9 Steps To Your Mindset Success!
The ability of the human mind can serve us beyond our wildest imaginations. It has an unlimited capacity to learn; and when properly nurtured, it promotes clarity of thought, achievement, and even longevity of life. Taking responsibility for the successful activity of your mind and deliberately stimulating it for productive output can reap tremendous rewards.
It is easy for us to project our mental activities toward external matters instead of looking within ourselves and intelligently utilizing the natural gifts of the brain. But, introspection is precisely where success begins and effective action gets processed.
When you understand that the mind is where imagination, inspiration, belief, change, and self-discipline must take place, and you begin to infuse powerful insights and techniques to structure the process, the potential results can be remarkable.
Taking control of your mental faculties and nurturing them to their best advantage provides significant inroads toward accomplishing your important goals. 
For example, you learn how to overcome doubt, mental clutter, tolerations, resistance, and other self-limiting obstacles which can undermine, distract, and sabotage your personal growth and actions for the success you envision.
To help you find greater clarity toward achieving what matters most to you, carefully consider how you can begin to implement some or all of the following 9 key action steps for a successful mindset. 
Once you realise the potential impact these points can have in your life, you will certainly want to make them a part of your everyday action plan for success.
Understand that happiness and success originate from within you.
It is the world inside you that creates the conditions of your life. To positively change and grow you must truly realize that success or failure is a reflection of your inner world. Put another way, what you reveal outwardly depends on your inner thoughts and beliefs and how you decide to process and act on those elements. Once this is understood and actively addressed, inward and outward success can nurture one another and contribute to personal happiness and the life you desire.
The mind holds a tremendous desire to be positively stimulated and to experience the feeling of success.
This part of you that feels, perceives, and reasons thirsts for your input and follow-through to achieve. In other words, your brain is designed to solve problems and to help you reach the goals that you give it. Think of your mind as a clean slate, where you have the opportunity to nourish and empower it with only the healthiest thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. The thoughts you choose to contribute toward your desired outcome gage the results you derive.
Choice of thought and beliefs shape your life.
What you think about and believe is what you attract to your life. Clearly, thinking positively and actions of integrity beget the opportunity for more positive results. Likewise, negative, limiting or defeating thoughts beget the likelihood of negative results. Have you heard others declare that you should be careful what you wish for (say or think) as you may very well get it? There is truth in those words, and it can work for or against you. The way that you interpret or explain things to yourself is critical in determining who you are as person and the outcomes you experience.
Decisions, actions, and results are your responsibility.
To experience a purposeful, balanced, and fulfilled life, it is imperative to accept 100 percent responsibility for the choices you make. This includes what you think, the beliefs you hold, the decisions you make, the actions you take, and the results you derive from those activities. There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live. That person is you. By accepting full responsibility for your decisions, actions, and results, your approach going into any endeavor is optimized for the potential of a more positive outcome.
The mind concentrates on a single thought at any given time - use it wisely.
If you accept that the mind holds a single thought at any given time, it would then seem advantageous that each thought should be truly constructive and contribute to your life. Perhaps that would not be realistic 100 percent of the time, but working toward a more effective choice of thought is certainly a better alternative than living with self-limiting or disempowering thoughts.
Learn to swiftly replace negative thoughts with positive, productive, or inspiring ones. It takes practice to do this consistently. But, you will find as you develop this insight and habit of capturing worthwhile, energizing thoughts, negative thoughts will be inhibited and eventually lose their power.
Know that your thought patterns are habits, and some habits need to be changed.
Like most habits, you can change your patterns of thought. This includes what you think about and the best use of your mental energy. Often, we succumb to thinking patterns which do not offer much value. It is easy to become stuck with the same thoughts and beliefs, speaking the same words, and repeatedly doing the same things. Such a pattern can stifle creativity, learning, and opportunities for a more interesting and adventurous life. Learn to identify your patterns of thought and recognize where, or if, change is needed. But, you must be diligent when making changes, as familiar patterns (habits) which are not serving you well are deeply entrenched and new thinking patterns take time to establish.
Self-image must be nurtured.
Each of us has our own native abilities, signature strengths, learning styles, and personality traits. As you move through your daily life, your self-image can support or sabotage your efforts. It can mean the difference between feeling inspired and taking action or being apathetic and remaining stagnate. An immediate way to begin addressing this issue is to take note of the mental pictures you hold of yourself. Are those images in alignment with what you actually desire for your life? If they are, that is outstanding. Continue to nurture and support yourself. If, however, after an honest self-appraisal, you feel a change is required to match the self-image you want, then figure out what change is necessary and make a commitment to accomplish it.
Goals require belief, commitment, and persistence.
After determining what you want, with the end result in mind, establish both short and long term goals which are worthwhile, achievable, crystal clear, and measurable. Know why these goals are important to you and what inspires you to achieve them. Then courageously commit to your goals with specific time frames. Do not let fear, false starts, adversity, or other people derail your pursuit. Believing in the outcome determines the outcome. Know that you deserve what you want and that you will achieve your goal. Hold fast to your vision and maintain your focus.
The subconscious mind is central to your success.
To truly effect worthwhile and long-term change toward achieving what matters most to you, your affirmative thoughts must reach the subconscious mind. It is said that as much as 90 percent of ones behaviour and beliefs are the result of what the subconscious mind accepts. 
And, it has been shown that if you earnestly practice the exercise of feeding your mind with well-chosen information for at least 20 to 30 consecutive days you will have an excellent chance of impacting the subconscious mind for positive change.
Rather than letting your environment control your life, you will be astonished at how your subconscious mind can energise and support you when you learn to consult it and nurture it with the information that serves you best.

by David Shaefer: source

Saturday 5 January 2019

New Year - New Dreams! 5 Steps To Get You There!

New Year - New Dreams!
Which one is a goal?  
  1. I will lose 15 pounds 
  2. I want to run a marathon
  3. Quit smoking 
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above 
The correct answer is (5) - none of the above. 
The first three are wishes, not goals. 
However, you are not alone if you answered incorrectly because research has shown that less than 1% of the population actually understands how to effectively set a goal. 
This is why so many New Year's resolutions get broken and why so many people try keep failing at the very same goal. 
The desire to better ourselves is genuine, but the process we go about while seeking this desire is faulty.
Here are 5 steps to follow when setting an effective goal:
Your Goal MUST be meaningful to YOU
This means that you have to be the person to create it - not your spouse or employer. 
Make sure that the things you are investing your time and energy into are things you are passionate about. When you achieve it, you will be fired up about it.
Make your goals specific (quantifiable) and measurable (end date)
I will lose 15 pounds by October 31st, 2004 is a goal because you will know at the end of the time period if you did it or did not achieve it. Many people do not give themselves an end date because they are afraid of failure. In addition, not having an end date allows you to procrastinate.
Make your goals the right size
Goals should cause you to stretch and grow, but not be unrealistic. For instance, earning one million dollars your first year out of college has been done, but for most it is unrealistic. On the flip side, if your goal is to run a mile in 6:59 versus 7 minutes, you have not pushed yourself enough. Also, focus on a few achievable tasks at one time and move on as you reach them.
An Effective Goal is always written down 
This is extremely helpful and essential because there will be times when you goals will make you uncomfortable and you may lose site of them. When this happens, you need to have them written down to keep yourself on track and accountable. Posting your goals on the refrigerator, bulletin board, or in your planner ensures that you will be reminded of them on a daily basis.
Review them on a weekly basis
You must review your goal in order to stay on track. Reviewing them causes you to commit to their achievement.
The positive results of achieving any goal are unforgettable. 
An individual's failure to achieve is seldom because they are incompetent. 
Rather, it is because they simply do not know the process of success. 
Follow these guidelines, be patient, and celebrate your success to come.

by Eric Plantenberg: source

Friday 4 January 2019

Video: 3 Steps To Achieve Anything In Your Life

3 Steps To Achieve Anything In Your Life!

Change your 'pattern' of your life...
Become your own leader...
Live life on your terms...
Know thyself - be thyself - your truth.. you your key to happiness.
Progress = happiness!

Thursday 3 January 2019

Reprogramming Your Unconscious Mind

Reprogramming Your Unconscious Mind
So how do we go about reprogramming the unconscious mind? 
How does the mind get programmed in the first place?
The events in our early years have the greatest influence over us in many cases. If we received powerful ideas which came at a time when we didn't have the ability to critically analyse what we were being told, we would have accepted the ideas without question.
Many of our most deeply held beliefs come from our parents and our culture. Even our grandparents have brought their heritage into our lives in some way.
Powerful beliefs based on real life experience will have made their way into our subconscious mind. As we grow older, we develop the ability to be critical of new ideas and concepts. This becomes a filter for the subconscious mind. However, we often still carry old, outdated ideas about money, life, work and relationships with us from our childhood.
If our parents struggled financially, for example, there's a strong change that we developed some negative ideas around money. This can become a belief and hold us back in life when we want to move forwards. If we've picked up some negative emotional baggage around finances, you can bet that they will be holding you back from making more money.
But how do we change these ideas, if they are rooted in our subconscious mind, out of view? 
One answer is to start observing how you talk and think about the subject you are attempting to change in your life.
What do you say about money, work and yourself? Your ideas around money will lightly stem from your beliefs around money. If you have a negative belief from your childhood around money, you're probably creating a blockage. 
To change this, you can route it out and stop giving it more energy.
Use an affirmation to use in place of your negative belief. For example, if your rhetoric around money is something like "You must work hard for money"... can replace it for 
"money comes easily and frequently". 
By repeating mantras which are contrary to your old beliefs, you can loosen the effect of your old beliefs and replace them with the new ones.
Think about how often you have repeated to yourself or someone your old view on money or on what you need to do to earn it. Over the years, this becomes a belief which you cling to as if your life depended on it. But what if it was a lie? Creating a new belief will take some time. You need to counteract your old belief by repeating your new affirmation over and over.
You can also use meditation to learn how to quieten your mind. This can have a two fold benefit. Firstly you can notice your inner dialogue much better. By watching your mind, you can see exactly how you continually talk to yourself. 
This inner dialogue feeds into your subconscious mind and creates the cornerstones of your belief system over time. 
Listen to what you say closely if you want to change things in your life. 
Replace limiting beliefs with new, more empowering ones.
Your self image too, is responsible for many of your ideas about what life has to offer you. Self image is a powerful focus for your unconscious mind. It controls how you think about yourself. If you consciously want something, but unconsciously you don't believe it's possible, your unconscious belief will prevail.
Or, if you consciously want something but don't believe you're worth it, you'll find ways to sabotage your conscious efforts to prove yourself right. Then, you'll justify not achieving your desired outcome in some way which agrees with your self image and prevailing mental attitudes.
This is why reprogramming the unconscious mind can be so powerful. Your subconscious mind has a large part to play in your life's decisions and outcomes. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can change things from within far more quickly and easily, than by struggling against a negative belief system and only acting on the 'outside' in the physical and conscious world.

by Tim Halloran: source

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Video: Your Points of Gratitude Revisited!

"Moving on from my last blogpost I found this beautiful video, which shows everything that I was talking 
about in my own gratitude meditation.
Stop looking at what you 'don't have'..
..look to what you have!

If you wake grateful!
You have another day!
Be thankful!"


Video: 7 Buddhist Habits That Will Change Your Life

1. Simplify Your life.   2. Develop Yourself A Selfless Attitude - Help Others. 3. Meditate: Your Stepping Stone To Your Enlightenment....